Cocktail, please. But feel free to wear your tux if you are feeling fancy!
We will not have transportation provided to the ceremony. However, if you choose to taxi or get dropped off, we will provide a small bus to take people from the church to the reception. If you choose to drive to the ceremony, which if this is an option for you we urge you to do so, we have transportation to a few hotels after the reception and your car can be left at the Dunes Club overnight free of charge.
Parking is available at both the ceremony and the reception. We urge you to drive or taxi to the ceremony and then take provided transportation or taxi after the reception. Overnight parking is available at the Dunes Club.
We will have a large option of buffet items that will be available throughout most of the reception. We will also have a cocktail hour starting at 6:30 with light bites and dinner buffet beginning at 7:30.