Below are some questions that you might have. Feel free to reach out to us if you have more!
Use this link for a free Uber voucher and enjoy a ride on us
We get it... it's kinda far for those not in the region. For the out of towners we recommend flying into Sea-Tac and either renting a car or take the scenic train ride from King Street Station to the Bellingham Terminal. There are also buses that commute from Seattle to Bellingham if that's more your speed.
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Yes! However, we'd love for you to set down your phones and be present with us during the ceremony. Allow our expert photographer to capture that part of the day. For the rest, go WILD!
We absolutely ADORE your children! But, we want the grown-ups we adore so much to have an unforgettable good time at our wedding, so we ask that your amazing kiddos stay home for this one. They will only hear about this day in legend.
Great question!! Typically yes, but August happens to be a drier month. We say drier because we can't guarantee it wont rain. (Pro Tip: don't believe the hype, umbrellas are better than rain coats, don't let Seattleites try to convince you otherwise.) In the event it does rain, we have contingency plans for the wedding!