March 9, 2024
Duluth, MN

Adam & Libby

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Allie Thom

Maid of Honor

Allie is Libby's older sister and closest friend. She is quickly becoming a sister to Adam as the two have grown a sibling relationship that involves both picking on Libby and building her up more than anyone. Allie has a heart and hands ready to serve others and always makes you feel set-apart when she's talking to you. She champions Libby in a way no one ever has. Her love looks like dinner left on the doorstep before she knows you had a hard day. She is one of the steadiest people in Libby's life and rarely lets anyone come or go without a hug.

Bethany Frantsen


Bethany is a friend Libby met in PT school and they went on their first clinical rotation together in Oklahoma! Bethany is steady, sincere, and comforting. Her and Libby often tear up in coffee shops about the good and the hard and the meaningful. Bethany takes a genuine interest in people and makes a difference by doing less and being more. She is gentle with people and firm with the Truth. Joy just seeps out of her! If you're in her presence, you'll feel hope bubble up inside of you. She sees beyond the obvious and recognizes that small, subtle thing that matters the most.

Sarina Goos


Sarina and Libby met on the very first day of PT school and both noticed a weight lifted off their shoulders as they found an answered prayer in each other. Sarina pushes the homebody in Libby to do "activities" but is also down for a deep 4+ hour chat about life in the parking lot. She teaches Libby that there is joy to come in the future and not just the past, and goodness there too. She is so passionate and driven, and doesn't let a barrier steer her off course. Her and Libby share a love for ice cream, music by Frank Sinatra, and anyone 65+ :)

Rikka Frisk


Rikka is one of Libby's earliest friends. They grew up playing dress-up, finding each other in the crowd during family-friend gatherings, and bonding over their mutual "joy of missing out." They both love sweet tarts, egg salad sandwiches, and home. Rikka isn't afraid to do things a little differently. Her friendship gives Libby courage to show up as her full self without dimming any piece of who God created her to be. She has a way of tastefully saying the thing everyone is thinking and it makes Libby belly laugh! She's one of Libby's best buddies.

Alicia Shamdas


Alicia has been a friend of the bride since elementary school—they truly grew up together! She and Libby bond over experiencing "little sister" life, have soft spots for anything to do with Christmas, and they "get" each other without explanation. Alicia understands both science and the arts. One minute she can be studying the pathophysiology of the cardiac system and the next she'll draw the most stunning portrait you've ever seen. She thinks things through, considers the nuances, and loves her people well. She has a grounding presence and is a fellow homebody :)

Maddison Novak


Maddison is a friend of the bride and groom and someone Libby shares a depth of understanding with about the layers of our hearts and souls. Maddison is someone who finds a way to elevate a space and conversation and adorn it with beauty. She recognizes when moments are saturated in meaning and her and Libby share many "knowing looks" when they recognize the same one. Maddison has such a captivating voice—when she sings you can't help but feel wonder and awe for how the Lord has gifted her. She is a girl's girl and the lip gloss QUEEN!!

Annika Michel


Annika is a friend of the bride, and the two met on the first day of freshman year of college as random roommates! They had gone to pre-school together but hadn't reconnected until college. They spent many nights in the dorms lying on their bunks chatting about life (Libby turned Annika into a night owl) and learning how to navigate a very new season of life together. They shared tears and belly laughs and a few pomegranates :) Annika has a gift of filling others with courage. She is such a hard worker, but the truest aim of her heart is to point others to Jesus.

Kenzie Langseth


Kenzie and Libby were in the same "club" freshman year at Concordia. They quickly bonded over their mutual introversion and their desire to observe rather than participate because the two of them enjoy things a little differently. They've lived together, shared many meals, have studied for hours together, and are comfortable in each other's silence. Kenzie has a quiet kind of strength and finds a way to be content wherever she is. This girl appreciates the littlest things and makes them feel like so much more than enough...

Sam Novak

Best Man

Sam is a friend of the bride and groom and Adam's best man. Their friendship deepened through starting a small group (that turned into a big group) and has been sustained through time as roommates, honest conversations, prayers posted on the refrigerator, and being each other's go-to with the best and worst news. Sam is a man who will be there through thick and thin, not scared to hold you accountable, and Adam's rodeo partner for life.

Harrison Thom


Harrison is the younger brother of the bride and a friend of the groom. He always has the biggest smile on his face + in his eyes, uses his WHOLE body to tell a story, and carries with him a genuine joy. Fun fact: Harrison met Adam before Libby did and H ended up being his roommate at the Atlanta passion conference the first night they met so clearlyyyy he’s someone you can joke around with but he’s also always game for a conversation about what really matters.

Noah Caldeen


Noah has a knack for bringing joy and light into spaces that need it most. He's quick to laugh and always up for a good time, but not scared to be there during the bad. He's that type of guy who can get behind ya 200%.

Brady O'Loughlin


Brady is someone Adam would describe as "solid." He'll let him borrow his duck boat, takes seriously the things that matter, and is a fellow left handed shot in the duck blind.

Brandon Andre


Brandon is always the life of the party and the biggest jokester. He can't hide his expressions and never leaves home without his Peter Griffin impression.

Tyler Sunell


Tyler is one of Adam's earliest friends. They met in middle school playing football and grew up hunting and fishing at Tyler's cabin. They can pick up right where they left off and somehow their voices start to sound exactly the same.

Kaleb Anderson


Kaleb and Adam have lived together and share a deep love of hunting and owning five thousand decoys. Kaleb will travel anywhere to duck hunt and he's a guy who will let you know how he feels.

Mike Strandness


Mike was Adam's roommate at #42. He talks a big game, but at least he's CEO of "the warehouse." This guy will drop what he's doing to show up for you, and is always up for second dinner (or a PB sandwich that has four pounds of peanut butter.)

Olivia Berglund

Personal Attendant

Olivia is a dear friend of the bride who carries with her the fragrance of Heaven. She is so aware of the intricacies of the human experience and really sees the one who others overlook. She walks in the freedom that the Truth brings and Libby looks up to her in every way. They share many knowing looks, and Olivia is someone Libby's thoughts shift toward when she sees, hears, reads, or experiences something that really matters. She makes you feel like you're the only one in the room and never shows up empty handed. Olivia is hilarious and SUCH a good storyteller!

Jessica Shamdas

Personal Attendant

Jess is a friend of the bride who is not afraid of human connection and depth. She has a warmth about her, and a way of bringing you into the present moment like no one else can. Her presence is comforting and she and Libby often share songs + quotes with each other that make their hearts ache in a good way. Jess is such a champion of others and can whistle like none other! She and Libby have gotten to experience their engagement seasons together which has been such a gift. Jess lives a vibrant life full of texture—she reminds Libby that we were created to take up space!

Reyna Asheim

Personal Attendant

Reyna is Libby's friend who understands all things creative, abstract, and artistic. She and Libby share a similar passion for capturing their days, including recording the sound of their loved ones laughing in the background, sharing favorite foods, and finding ways to honor memories again and again. Reyna pulls you into a moment by the touch of her hand. She notices the charm + beauty in daily life and so willingly shares what she sees. Her face just shines with delight + joy, and she is such a celebrator of this life we live! She lives her life out loud and in color!!

Weston Wold


Weston is a guy Adam and Libby can count on to throw in a Vector "Ohhhh yeahhhhh" and shift the tone of a room with his jokes. He currently lives with Adam at #7000 and is down to earth, always willing to connect, the rec league KING, and a former D3 volleyball player.

Tommy Denn


Tommy is that friend who always makes you unexpectedly laugh really hard. He and Adam met in an airport, and he's a fellow bru house bro. Someone Adam looks up to... literally.

Ethan Ness


Ethan is the (classic) younger brother of the groom—cried wolf to their mom all the time and someone Adam will always be able to beat up, but the two have shared some of life's most pivotal moments, both difficult and meaningful.

For all the days along the way
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