Things To Do
We want your visit to be the best possible, so here are some safety tips from locals about staying safe in New Orleans.
Always be alert
Whenever you’re watching a street performance, are bumped into, approached by a stranger, be mindful of where your valuables are and keep them secure. Wallets should be kept in front pocket.
Take a taxi
Instead of walking down unfamiliar streets, take one of the city’s many taxis. It’s not very expensive, and you’ll minimize the chances of winding up somewhere you’d rather not be.
Stay with a group
You’ve probably heard this before, but it bears repeating: There’s safety in numbers. If you’re traveling alone, then limit your exploring to well-populated, well-lit areas of the city.
Use common sense
Really, it all comes down to this. If you feel like you’re somewhere you shouldn’t be, then leave. Don’t carry a large wad of cash, carry your wallet in your front pocket. Don’t let a stranger hold on to your cell phone. You know the drill.