Please call the front desk of the hotel to book your room and receive our discount. The discount will not be honored for online bookings. Front Desk Phone Number: 860-779-3200 **The preferred hotel is completely booked up on 5/21/22. If you are still in need of a room please reach out to us and you can be put on a waitlist in case anything at the Comfort Inn and Suites opens up. In the meantime please book a room at one of the other hotels in the area.**
Discount Code - Brzozowski/Peachey Wedding
May 21, 2022 4:15 pm - 12:45 am
Transportation for the wedding and after party will be provided by Joshua's Limousine. Departing from the Comfort Inn & Suites to StoneHurst - 4:15pm (only one trip to the venue will be provided) Departing from StoneHurst to return to the Comfort Inn & Suites - 9:30pm Departing from StoneHurst to Black Dog (after party) and the Comfort Inn & Suites - 10:30pm The shuttle will be running between the Black Dog and the Comfort Inn & Suites during the after party with the last shuttle leaving Black Dog at 12:45am.