7:30 pm - 11:00 pm
This event is cocktail attire! Women are welcome to wear dresses and jumpsuits. Men are welcome to wear slacks, button up dress shirts, sports coats are optional.
Please join us for a welcome party at the Silver Oaks Chalet! We will have light appetizers, desserts, and cocktails. The chalet is to the left of our venue, Silver Oaks Chateau. When you get to the Chateau address, please go left when you enter and you'll get to the Chalet. There is a wedding at the Chateau that Friday, so please be cognisant of parking and carpool if possible! We are excited to have you.
4:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Cocktail Attire
Our ceremony will be at 4:30pm at Silver Oaks Chateau, cocktail hour and reception will immediately follow.