
Lauren & Alex

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us.

Colleen Czajkowski

Matron of Honor

Colleen met the bride in the spring of 2007 when they pledged the sorority Alpha Xi Delta together. They became close friends quickly (BIFFs as they like to call each other) and formed a bond that could never be broken. Lauren was Colleen's maid of honor back in 2011 and has loved watching Colleen's family grow over the years. Now Colleen is ready to stand by Lauren's side and help guide her through this exciting time!

Samantha Fitzgerald

Maid of Honor

Sam is Lauren's younger cousin who grew up living next door. It wasn't until their adult lives, and working together in the same office, that they built their close relationship. Hours of sharing their struggles and triumphs brought them closer and closer. Through ups and downs, Sam was always there to support and encourage Lauren along the way. Now Sam is ready to support and celebrate Lauren on her biggest day yet!

Brittany Deutsch


Brittany met Lauren back in the spring of 2007 when Lauren pledged their sorority. Brittany had just pledged the semester before and welcomed Lauren with open arms. Being both education majors and in their sophomore year, it was an easy friendship to form. Over the years these two have stayed close and share many fun and exciting memories. From being a bridesmaid in Brittany's wedding, to watching her raise two daughters with a son on the way, these two have shared a lot of life's blessings together! Lauren is excited to now have Brittany by her side on her big day!

Brittany Arnold


Brittany grew up with Colleen and first met Lauren when they were in Colleen's wedding together. Colleen's two best friends finally had come together and the stars had aligned. It wasn't surprising when Lauren started joining Colleen on trips to Harrisburg, PA where Brittany was living at the time. When Brittany moved to Philadelphia, her and Lauren's relationship only grew stronger and they developed their own relationship outside of Colleen. Brittany has been such an encouraging friend to Lauren, and Lauren can not imagine her wedding without Brittany by her side!

Lindsay Treusch


Lindsay met Lauren in 2012 when she got hired to teach at Union Valley Elementary. Lauren wasn't so sure about Lindsay at first because she never smiled in the hallway, but she soon learned that her first impression of this fellow Capricorn was way off. Lindsay has been a true friend to Lauren in so many ways. Their almost daily text conversations include venting, funny memes, encouraging words, and sound advice. Lindsay stood by Lauren as a friend even in her toughest times. After celebrating Lindsay's wedding in 2020 and the birth of her daughter in 2021, Lauren is so excited have Lindsay celebrating with her on her wedding day!

Emma Czajkowski

Flower Girl

Emma, the daughter of Colleen, is a sassy little girl who can brighten any room. Her beautiful smile and exuberant personality can make anyone's day! Lauren has loved this little girl from the first time she held her as a newborn in February 2020. Now when Uncle Alex is around it's hard to even get Emma's attention. Uncle Alex and Aunt Fitz can't imagine their wedding day without Emma as one of their flower girls!

Payton Fritzscha

Flower Girl

Payton, the daughter of Samantha, is the sweetest little girl and the newest member of the Fitzgerald family. Her adorable smiles and happy, chatty personality are contagious! Her arrival into this world in December 2021 has been a continued blessing for the family. Uncle Alex and Aunt Laurnie have loved watching her learn and grow, and are beyond excited to have her in their wedding. They will be encouraging all things walking over the next year to get Paytie ready for her very important role as one of the flower girls!

Andrew Willson

Best Man

Kevin Cantrell


Gregory McCarthy


Alexander Churney


Jesse Fitzgerald


Connor Czajkowski

Ring Bearer

Connor, son of Colleen, is a sweet, loving, and energetic boy who knows how to brighten anyone's day. The kindness in his heart spreads like wildfire and his creative mind is astonishing. From being the tiniest little peanut in Lauren's arms the day after he was born, to running around as a now kindergartener, time has just flown by. Watching him grow has been one of Lauren's greatest pleasures. Connor loves being able to talk "bro" things with Uncle Alex such as Star Wars and video games and checking out Uncle Alex's growing collection of figurines. Uncle Alex and Aunt Fitz wouldn't trust anyone else with the great responsibility of ring bearer!

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