August 28, 2021
The Colony, Texas

Jason & Stacy

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Jane Alex

Maid of Honor

I honestly don’t remember the first time I met Jane. I think as far back as I can remember, we've known each other lol We started as neighbors but not exactly as best friends. She was a member of the “ I hate Stacy & Skipper club“, cofounded by my cousin Sumi Chechi and Jose Chechi. 😂 Its safe to say a lot has changed since then. Our friendship has definitely had its ups and downs, but I’m so grateful to call her my best friend and sister. We've been at each other's side for all the special moments in life. Love you so much and I can’t wait to have you stand by my side on my big day as my Maid of Honor!

Nissy Philipose


Nissy and I met some time in middle school, and I knew her as Jennifer’s outgoing cousin. ( I hadn’t met Jessley at that point haha. ) Through high school, college, and nursing school, she’s been right there by my side. Niss has always been the one to know exactly what to do to cheer me up. She’s been so open minded and a great listener in many situations we’ve faced together! I’m so grateful to have a best friend like her that’s been there through everything! Love you and can’t wait have you stand by my side Niss!

Sumi John


Sumi Chechi has known me since birth. She was the center of my dads world until I came into the picture haha. No but really, she’s my only girl cousin so growing up we grew up more like siblings/sisters. Although we definitely have our moments, I am so grateful to have her as my older cousin sister. I'm so happy she will be standing at my side for our wedding!

Viji Thomas


Cant exactly remember when Viji and I first met because it was so long ago, but Viji has been a constant throughout my life. From immature teenagers to where we are now, I think we genuinely grew up together. I'm so thankful for where we are now. She's such a supportive voice at all times and will always make sure I'm okay at the end of the day no matter what is going on in her life. I hope that we continue our friendship till we're old ammachis. I love you so much and am so grateful to have you in my life! Cant wait for you to be apart of our big day!

Josline Alex


Growing up, jose chechi, sumi chechi, jane, and I were inseparable. We did EVERYTHING together! From making music videos to trying to straighten your poofy fro with water, I'm so glad I got to grow up and cherish all those memories with yall. Jose chechi has always been my older sister and will always be. She has always treated me with such kindness and has always been someone I look up to! Definitely have gone through alot over the years, but I'm so grateful to have a chechi like jose in my life! Cant wait for you to stand by our side!

Jessley Ninan


Jess and I met later my senior year of high school. She was Jenny and Nissy's popular older cousin ahah. Little did I know that Jess would be my best friend just a few short months into college. Jess has a heart of gold and has always be there for me. I do miss our old late night convos at the train station waiting on Lillykutty and running to cafe intermezzo for cake lmao! Thank you for always showing up for me! Love you Jess and am honored to have you stand by my side on our big day!

Niya Philipose


Niya and I first met my freshman year of college. She was friends with my friends so I always knew of her but never officially met her! Niya has always been there for me since then! We’ve both been at each others sides through some of the hardest moments and more important the best moments! I’m so grateful for a best friend like her! No one else id rather listen to Malayalam music for hours with or watch do goofy weirdo stuff haha. Love you so much Niyamol and am so honored to have you stand by my side!!

Jennifer Philipose


Jenny and I first met in 7th grade when she came back from India. Her, Diana, and I became good friends after that! She’s always been the friend that makes it so easy to pick up where we left off. No matter how busy our lives get, I love that we still are able to keep in touch! We have the type of friendship that we can talk for hours, and it’ll feel like no time has passed! I’m so happy to call her one of my best friends and so thankful she’ll be by my side on our big day!! Love you Jenny!

Diana John


Diana and I met in 5th grade at Homestead Elementary. She was my very first friend when I moved to Carrollton! We’ve grown up together through all the codenames we made up to our drives to school to our college experiences. There’s too much to write that I wouldn’t even know where to start lol I’m so happy that you’ll be standing next to me on our big day! Love you DJ!!

Tyler Maldonado


Tyler and I met on the first day of classes in nursing school. Little did she know that this weirdo who asked her to take a picture in full PPE would be her best friend even 6 years later!! It’s always a good time with Ty no matter what we’re doing, we make the most of it! I’m so grateful for our friendship and can’t wait to have to stand by my side on our big day!! Love you, Tyler Jean!

Kiran Kurup

Best Man

From pretty much middle school and onwards, I've known Kiran. Although we didn't start off as close as we are now, from being roommates in the dorms to our apartment, our friendship has definitely grown closer throughout the years. One thing I've always admired about him is his selflessness and putting others needs before his own. I can attest to this in my life when I tore my ACL and was on crutches for six weeks. He was always the one to drop me off to my classes or get things I needed even without me asking him! I'm thankful for having such a great friend in him. I am so glad he can stand up there with me on my wedding day as my Best Man.

Abraham Mathukutty


I've known Abe or Steve as he is called in our family ever since his family immigrated to the United States back in the early 2000s. We've grown up together in the same area and have always been together at family gatherings. I can always count on him to laugh at my jokes even if they aren't funny. I remember always going to his house after school and playing video games. We lost a bit of touch during undergrad and grad school but picked up right where we had left off after I had moved back home. I am so fortunate to have known him this long and honored to have him stand there on my wedding day.

Jaison John


Jaison and I met in middle school, and he has been one of my oldest friends since then. From hooping and playing football after school to growing up together, we have been close and still keep hanging out when we can these days. Jaison has always amazed me with his work and family life balance. I don't know any another man capable of raising three boys and working crazy hours at work. He has a such a good heart, and I'm glad to have him stand beside me on my wedding day.

Denny Joseph


Denny is actually my oldest and first Malayalee friends after we moved to Mesquite. We met in elementary school and our friendship has been going strong since then. From attending high school to college together, as well as being fraternity brothers and college roommates, I’m so grateful for our friendship. Even now with our busy schedules, I appreciate us being able to keep in touch. I've always admired Denny's hard work and dedication to everything he puts his mind to. Just like I stood there for his wedding, I'm honored to have him stand beside me on my wedding day.

Stephen Mathew


With my marriage, I’m also fortunate to gain a little brother through all this! Even in the small time that we’ve known each other, I’m glad to have been able to grow closer to him! I’m happy that we have similar interests and tastes in certain things, but I’m so excited to have him stand up there with me on our wedding day!

Robin Ninan


I’ve known Rob since middle school, and our friendship has endured the test of time. Any time I need a laugh, he’s always there to put a smile on my face. Rob always has jokes and can make everybody laugh around him! Thankful for our friendship throughout the years and glad to have him stand beside me on our wedding day.

Vinny Thomas


Vinny and I were roommates at Tech alongside Kiran, Denny, and Sunny. I’m grateful for his friendship throughout the years. He was always goal oriented and focused on whatever he puts his mind to whether it be school or just working out. I remember all the good times that we had in college and I’m honored to have him stand there beside me on our wedding day!

Hunter Leveque


Hunter and I met in pharmacy school at OU. I can’t recall how we exactly met, but I’m sure it was like for a class meeting or something along those lines. From pulling all nighters for an 8 am exam to joking around in class, our friendship has consistently grown since then. He lives almost 2000 miles away now, but he always still keeps in touch. As I was in his wedding, I am also honored to have him stand beside me on our big day!

Sunny Patel


Oh man, Sunny or as we call him Patel, was one my roommates in college at Tech. I can always count on him to light up a room with his presence. He’s got such a big heart and very thankful to have him as one of my close friends. Glad to have stand up there with me on our wedding day!

Subin Mathew


Subin aka Soob is Stacy’s first cousin, but they grew up more like siblings. It’s been so nice to get to know him over the years, and I’m so glad to have him as a cousin soon enough. He’s always so helpful and dependable especially through out all our wedding plans! We both love you so much. We’re excited to have you stand with us on our big day!

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