Jason's Version: I’m sure Stacy’s side of the story is more descriptive than mine even though she thinks she’s such a bad writer. We met about two and half years ago now in a galaxy far, far away (had to put in the Star Wars reference for her), also known as Dallas, Texas. Throughout the years, I’ve always wondered how our paths never crossed until recently due to the fact that we have so many mutual friends but I know God has a plan for us all, and I can’t stop to think how glad I was when we met. I remember her first snapchatting me a “Hey Koshy” from when she was in Spain and like the dork I am, I replied with a “Howdy”. After that cringe-worthy introduction, maybe I thought this wasn’t the right time. But as fate would have it, God had other plans and we had met like 4 weeks later in person. I remember seeing her for the first time and having butterflies as she would tell you I was mute the whole night and just listening and nodding to everything she had said. From that day, she’s been my constant and stuck with me through it all. God has truly blessed me with a wonderful partner, and I can’t wait to see what our future brings. Stacy is truly my best friend and the love of my life, and I can’t wait to marry her! Stacy's Version: Jason and I first met on a mutual friends Snapchat! One random message in and he responded with “howdy” lol I definitely thought he was a weirdo after that ahha. I didn't hear from him after that. Little did we know that we’d meet in person just weeks later. I thought we really hit it off, but I wasn’t too sure because he didn’t talk much that day. He was basically mute you guys! There were so many mixed signals haha a girls worst nightmare. He was definitely a better texter than talker, and it took him a while to get over his nerves with me. Im so glad I was patient with us because who knew that God had my soulmate picked out for me. So blessed to call him mine and can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with Jason as Mrs. Koshy!!