This is the hotel where the reception will be held. When you click "View," it will take you to the booking page that will have our room block rates. The room block rate should show as $159 per night, and you will need to change the dates to be a Fri-Sun or Sat-Sun stay to see them. You should see a banner that says "Showing Snyder Heppner Room Rates" that confirms you're viewing the room block rates. If you don't see this or need any assistance, please let us know!
Travel Note
The Wedding Ceremony and Reception will be centered around the University Circle Area. Guests are recommended either to rent a car from the CLE airport or use ride-share services for transportation (20-30 min drive depending on traffic).
Travel Note
Both West and Eastbound direction on I-90 exit Martin Luther King Jr Dr. Take exit 177. University circle is about 10 mins south on Martin Luther King Jr Dr.