While we love your little ones, we hope you appreciate that children are only invited if named. Our wedding is going to be an adults-only event, except for immediate family and wedding party children. We want everyone to relax and enjoy the evening. We appreciate you making arrangements ahead of time and leaving the kids at home so you can celebrate with us!
Black Tie - Men: Tuxedo and bowtie preferred, suit and tie is acceptable. Women: Formal gown or floor length dress - it's New Year's, sparkle!
We have a strict guest list to stay on budget. Our wedding is strictly RSVP only. We will only be able to accommodate those listed on your invitation.
Ceremony - outdoor (weather permitting) Reception - indoor
Yes - tip jar will be available if you feel so inclined.
If you still have a question that has not been answered on our website, please contact either one of us via phone or email. We would be happy to help!