Hotels + Travel
We appreciate you all making the haul to come celebrate with us.
Each hotel has said that an early check-in is likely but not guaranteed day of. Be sure to call ahead to confirm day of, and if unable, they have agreed to hold bags at the front desk if you wish.
We will be operating two 30-person shuttle bus to and from the venue but likely will not be able to supply rides to the venue for all guests. Ride shares should be available.
The shuttle will take people to the venue (starting at the Courtyard, then Hilton Garden Inn, and finally Springhill Suites) starting at 2:30pm and 2:45pm.
They will pick up from venue at 9:00pm, 9:15, and 9:45pm to take back to the hotels and should have plenty of room for guests to return.
You can leave your vehicle overnight until 10am the next morning; however the venue states Uber and Lyft sometimes don't service returns.