Matron of Honor
My older sister and go to confidant. From throwing me in "baby jail", to getting silly at all holidays, my sister, amazing auntie, and ultimately best friend was born for the role of Matron of Honor- which she basically claimed when she got married 6 years ago.
Best Man
My younger brother and Smash bros nemesis; he's known Sarah and me his whole life, and I couldn't think of a better choice for Best Man.
Friends since Kinder, and inseparable since Middle School, we have gone through just about everything together from bad makeup, first dates, and bad heartbreaks. Now adding a wedding to that list!
When Sarah, Logan and I lived in Santa Barbara, she invited her friend Robbie to be our roommate. He quickly became one of my best friends, and a constant source of witty remarks and good advice.
Fast besties after meeting and living together in a happy, tiny home. Thank you to Logan for bringing this amazing lady into my life.
Shaun and I met in Cub Scouts. together we discovered our favorite hobby, D&D. Now, we rarely go a week without meeting up to play.
We met while working together at the local pizza place in Santa Barbara and is now the best mom friend a girl could ask for! We both have cute and amazing little girls who I can't wait to grow up and learn together.
My older brother; He always beat me up just a little less than he did William, so here we are! In all honesty, I couldn't imagine doing this without him.
Flower Girl
4-Year Old Daughter to us and the brightest personality we've ever known!
Ring Bearer
4-Year old Nephew to us, and the silliest and sweetest goober we've come to know!
The original pusher and confidant of us to get together, there is no man better suited for the job. Craigslist roommate turned best friend and eventual godfather to Ellie, Logan will lead the wedding ceremony and officially unite us the way the universe clearly pushed us to.