We met as most children do; our parents forced us to be friends at a young age before we knew any better. Best friends for somewhere around 17 years (give or take a few awkward years as teens), we began dating in the summer of 2015.
On a random Thursday in December, Chris set up our home with delicious candles, roses, and a beautiful playlist. Unbeknownst to me, I came home in yoga pants and a messy bun after work, ready to settle onto the couch with a good tv show. When I opened the door, Ellie was standing in our living room all dressed up and asked "If I would marry her daddy." Looking around the corner from her, Chris was on one-knee in a fancy outfit, and I said "Really?!? Right now?!? And then gave a big yes! I gave lots of hugs and kisses to my favorite two people, and we celebrated by playing Pretty Little Princess.
We Met and Became Best Friends- Approximately Sometime in 1998 Our First Kiss - July 8, 2015 Our First I Love You - July 28, 2015 Our First Apartment - Mid-August 2015 First (and Only!) Kid was Born - December 3, 2016 Our First House (to Rent) - February 2019 Our Engagement - December 17, 2020 Our Legal Wedding Day! - January 20, 2022 Our NEW Wedding Day!! - August 4, 2022