
Kaelyn & Christopher

    Things To Do

Things To Do

We are so excited to share some of our favorite places in the area with you!
Dixie Chicken

Dixie Chicken

307 University Drive, College Station, TX 77840

The Dixie Chicken for those who aren't aware of Aggie history is a staple to say the least to Texas A&M culture. Both of our families spent a lot of time here during their tenure at Texas A&M! While I worked at Chicken Oil Co. (Sister Bar) most of my college career, the Dixie Chicken was and is still the go to place for Christopher and me. Great food, Cold beer, Classic Country music, and a Good Bull Environment!

Lake Bryan

Lake Bryan

8200 Sandy Point Road, Bryan, TX 77807

Our wedding is in February so not the best time for a quick swim, but Lake Bryan is where Christopher saw me for the first time! Also, where I lost my Aggie Ring not even two weeks into having it.

Kyle Field

Kyle Field

161 Wellborn Road, College Station, TX 77840

For everyone that really know me and Christophers relationship they would know that football season is our literal favorite time of the year. Heck, we planned our whole wedding, honeymoon, and all of events leading up to is around the schedule! Our mutual love for football is truly one of my favorite things about us. He is the "that's okay there is still time" to my "I need to leave the room they are sucking right now" attitude. Kyle Field isn't open to the public but it is one of our favorite places to be on Aggie Game Day and if you haven't seen it, really is something awesome!

For all the days along the way
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