This is one of the newest hotels in Fort Wayne with a central down town location, walking distance to bars, restaurants, and coffee shops plus its very own roof top bar. Room block discount available on FAQ page.
Discount Code - See FAQ Page
We also recommend the Marriott Downtown for our guests. Still in walking distance from the eventful downtown. Room block discount available on FAQ page
Discount Code - See FAQ Page
If flying is preferred, there are routes between Boston and Fort Wayne with layovers typically in Chicago, Detroit, or Philadelphia. The Fort Wayne airport is about a 15-20min drive from the downtown once you arrive.
Flying into Indianapolis is another great option if you're thinking of renting a car for the weekend. Boston to Indianapolis is a direct flight and is about a 2 hour drive from Fort Wayne.
One option is to take a direct flight into Chicago - we recommend Midway Airport via Southwest but O'hare is also available. This will put you about a 3.5hour drive from Fort Wayne if you're interested in renting a car a making the drive with friends or family.
Not a route we're super familiar with but an option nonetheless! Offers directs flights from Boston into Toledo, OH with roughly an hour and 45min drive to Fort Wayne.
Travel Note
If you have any questions about travel plans or options, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're more than happy to help with recommendations and travel tips!