Some of Our Favorite Things in Carmel!
Katy’s Place
Little Swiss Café (cash only)
Grasings-great coastal cuisine
Forge in the Forest
Vesuvios Rooftop
Little Napoli
Le Bicyclette-best for lunch
La Balena
Enzo Ristorante
Carmel Mission Ranch-ambiance, piano bar & views (Welcome Party location)
Night-life (Carmel style!)
Cypress Inn-live music & dog watching
Vesuvios Rooftop
Barmel-local dive bar
Mulligans (After Party Location)
Carmel Mission Ranch
Carmel Valley Restaurants (farther out of Carmel)
Café Rustica
Carmel Valley Ranch
Corkscrew Cafe
Walk along Scenic Drive, to Carmel River Beach & along Monastery Beach
*Wine Tasting! Wineries in Carmel Valley—Bokenoogen, Georgis, & Bernardus.
There are a few local tasting rooms in Carmel, and can take a "Wine Tour"
*Spanish Bay Happy Hour: Sit outside & watch the iconic bagpiper starting at 5:45pm
Rent bikes & ride 17 Mile Drive
Golf Options-reach out to John if interested
Hike in Point Lobos State Park