No Registry (press "read more")
Honestly your presence is present enough, but we won't say no to love and affection. What's your love language?
Words of affirmation? We will accept compliments
Physical touch? Hugs and kisses welcome
Quality time? Plan a trip or dinner with us!
Acts of service? Help with setup/take down/sound throughout the weekend, participate in a performative push-up/wrestling competition for the event, Dag-minding, write/perform a speech/dance/poem/song (no more than 5 minutes!), juggling, magic tricks, ghost story telling, designated sober driving, write a nice letter, ensure guests and hosts are adequately caffeinated, hair/makeup tips, take photos, way-finding for out of town guests... and whatever else you can think of!
Gifts? If you must:
(only half joking)