Calling Central Reservations: The Central Reservations phone number is 1 (888) 591-1234. Once you are on the phone with a Guest Agent, please notify the Guest Agent the name of the group block (Seals Walsh Wedding) along with the dates of your stay (April 7-9. 2023). From there, the Guest Agent will be able to access the block with the selected room types and rates. Calling the Hotel Directly: Our direct hotel phone number is (804) 560-1566 extension 0. That will redirect your call to our Front Desk. Any of our Guest Agents will be more than happy to assist in making your reservation. Just as you would inform the Central Reservation line with your group name and stay dates, you will need to inform the Front Desk Guest Agent of the name and dates of the block. This will ensure that you receive the discounted rate and correct room type. *Please note that during peak check-in/check-out hours (12:00 PM through 3:00 PM) the Front Desk may be experiencing a high volume of business and may transfer a call to Central Reservations. Please follow the above instructions* Making an Online Reservation: To make your reservation online you will need to first visit our website: Once you have arrived at our homepage, you will see the prompt box located on the right side of the page for entering dates. You will first select the dates that you would like to stay during the event. Next, below the date lines, there will be a prompt box that is labeled Special Rates. Once you have clicked into the prompt box it will drop down and display with more options for you to choose from. You will want to select Corporate or Group Code. Once in the prompt box, make sure the code G-SEWA is entered. Once you have clicked the Check Availability box it will bring up the group information, available room types and rates. Please follow the prompts to select your desired room types and complete the billing information.