October 19, 2019
Hot Springs, NC

Lauren & Jessica

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet the people crazy enough to stick with us long enough to "earn the honor" of standing with us as we say "I do".


Maid of Honor

We met Freshman year of college when she was "saving" me from a boy who was crushing hard but clearly... couldn't take a hint. From that day on, we met up every morning for breakfast and we walked to class. I never had to remember where my classes were because she walked me everywhere and so on the days where she would skip, I would too because I didn't know where I was going. She's my absolute best friend, sisters at heart and my all time favorite person to be outside with.

Adrienne Bryant

Best Man

Adrienne and I met via Skype about 2 weeks before I was to move in with her and a mutual friend. Within the first 3 days of meeting each other in person, we stayed up until 2am talking about WWII, sang at the top of our lungs to random songs in the car, and went on a road trip to see another mutual friend. Good thing she wasn't a serial killer.. Ever since we've been inseparable and basically extended family. I was her best man in her wedding and there's honestly not another choice that even makes sense for the person to stand right by my side on my wedding day.


Matron of Honor

Older sister of the bride. Sure, at first growing up, I knew nothing about her because of the age difference, but now that I'm older (and clearly much wiser) she has become a huge role model in my life. She was the one who dropped me off at college and let me camp at her house during the summers. Big sisters are great so clearly she gets a spot in the wedding party.

Christopher Meidinger


Younger brother of the bride as well as my partner in crime. A lot of the time growing up, Chris and I found ourselves living in places where we didn't have many other people in the surrounding area to play with. Whether that be in France or Currituck, Chris and I always had a friend, teammate, and sibling within each other. We had our times of wanting to kill each other like any close siblings, but often times Chris was my friend first and brother second. So happy he is able to travel all the way from Garmisch, Germany to be here with me!



Freshman year of college we were always at Starbucks and we both enjoyed Rugby. If his red hair doesn't scream " friendly guy," his smile definitely will. He is the only guy I know who will stay in on a Saturday night, watching chick flicks and willing enough to do face masks with me.

Miranda Rennie


My oldest close friend, Miranda and I have seen each other through many life events. Graduation from both high school and college, first girlfriends and first heartbreaks, rugby victories, loved ones funerals, and her wedding. There's absolutely no way I could enjoy this day to the fullest without her standing by my side as I did her for her special day. Miranda and I have been friends for about 12 years now and I know we remain close for the rest of our lives.



She's the "punny" one of our friend group and she's always making bad dad jokes. I'm still not too sure if she wanted to become one of my best friends, but lets be honest, she's stuck with me now. We're awkward and terrible at taking pictures together, but I couldn't ask for a better person who is always there when I need a friend to lean on.

Stephen Meidinger


Older brother of the bride and the brother I looked up to. Steve and I were probably our closest when forced to be while living in France. We were always playing war and he always managed to get "shot" or "blown in half" so I could be the medic and save his life. As we've grown older, we've gotten closer in different ways, bonding over adult things like insurance policies and good beer. Steve has been there from day one, giving me his blankey when I was a baby, to now standing by my side on what will be the happiest day of my life yet.



She got me evicted from my first college apartment and so inevitably we ended up living together for four years - It was the best thing that could have happened. We became known for throwing parties in college in order to pay rent and we quickly became best friends. She's known best for waking me up by serenading me and our bubble parties.

Jennifer Larrimore


My rugby better half and spiritual comrade, Jen is a close friend that has become that way by putting her body on the line for me. Yes, that may sound weird, but if you don't understand rugby, you can't possible understand the bond we share. We both play positions directly next to each other meaning any contact she avoided, I had to take on and vice versa. To sacrifice yourself for the better of your position counterpart bonds you in a way that few other life experiences can. It also helps that she's a nerdy scientist like me.

Megan Gilmore


Megan and I became friends through rugby which eventually caused us to move in together. Luckily we have personalities that compliment each other so perfectly that we still live together now with Lauren. Both lovers of games and competitive to the max, Megan and I regularly play multiple rounds of cribbage against one another as well as have stayed up until 4am at the same blackjack table in Vegas. Late night rugby film sessions and snack fests with oreos and pizza have become the regular hangouts at home. There's no way I could have a bridal party that didn't include Megan (mostly because I wouldn't hear the end of it until she moved out...)

For all the days along the way
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