Distance is 10 miles (approx 25 minutes) to the Westin Hotel and downtown area. Southwest flies through this airport and it's a bit more accessible and easy to get in/out.
Distance is 20 miles (approx 30 minutes) to the Westin and downtown destination. IAH is a much larger airport, a bit more congested but many more flights available.
Located directly across the street from the Annunciation Catholic Church and 1 mile from the reception venue. You are absolutely welcome to book nearby hotels or Airbnb's, but we did secure a group rate available between Thursday, 2/13 to Sunday, 2/16 (check-out Monday 2/17). Last Day to Book is Friday, January 24, 2020. Visit https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1554143052468&key=GRP&app=resvlink or call the Reservations Dept. at 866-406-1520 and ask for the Terregino and Delatorre Wedding Rooms Rate. If you have any trouble please text Jessica at (713) 829 - 8034.