First of her name. Mother of all plants. The real reason you're coming to the wedding.
The 2nd reason you're coming to the wedding.
Maid of Honor
Jenevine's ride or die. A dear friend of Alex's. The most generous, kind, and radiant soul to ever walk this Earth. Couldn't imagine doing life without her. Also our matchmaker! You can blame her for all this.
Best Man
He may be the best man, but I am the better Madden player.
Matron of Honor
Jenevine's (favorite) cousin and best friend. A woman so authentically herself, strong-willed, and gorgeous inside and out. We entered this world only one month apart and grew up doing everything together. She wasn't allowed to say no to being Matron of Honor.
Best Man
We have always had similar interests like sports, shooting, and gaming. Now we also have grown up interests like stocks and our Amazon business.
Jenevine's sister. The best sister I could ever ask for. We are both so proud of the young woman she is becoming. Growing up, she'd always ask why Alex and I aren't married yet. Well, here we are sister!
My rival. Smell ya later.
A long-time friend who's become family. She's beautiful, extremely determined, passionate about her goals, the best dog mom, and can sing better than you at karaoke.
I always went to Sonata Park to play basketball. Evan would always ask me to play football with them but I would always say no. One day I decided I would finally play, and he made me join the other team with people I have never seen before.
A close friend since college to both Alex and Jenevine. Her smile will light up the room, her beauty will make you swoon, and her humor will bring you to the grave as you die of laughter. Everyone needs a Natalie in their life. Don't take mine though.
More of an acquaintance.
Jenevine's classmate since middle school, but became really close friends in college. From trips to 711 across from UNLV before class, to dragging Cristine out all night to go to the clubs, and now to playing Valorant til 2am. We've done so much together, and I'm so blessed to have her by my side.
One of the most geniune people I know. Just celebrated his wedding, so I guess ours is Part II.