ENG - The bride and groom might be arranging a great Slovenia tour experience. Please let us know if interested. - Ljubljana Old Town - Ljubljana Castle - Postojna Caves - Predjama Castle - Skocjan Caves - Lake Bled SLO Kontaktiraj zenina.
ENG Based on some research, it seems the best time to buy a ticket to Europe for summer travel is approx 100 days before departure. The bride will likely purchase her ticket in Feb/Mar time frame. Let her know if you would like to be updated once she has her ticket. SLO Kontaktiraj zenina.
ENG The closest airports are: (1) Ljubljana, Slovenia; (2) Zagreb, Croatia; (3) Trieste, Italy; (4) Venice, Italy, and (5) Vienna, Austria SLO Kontaktiraj zenina.
ENG For those needing accommodations, we recommend staying in the capital, Ljubljana, and not at Lake Bled. Recommendations can be provided if needed. For the bride's family and friends traveling from abroad, we plan on finding an Airbnb or two for those who would like to stay together in the capital, Ljubljana. SLO Kontaktiraj zenina v kolikor bi zelel na dan porocne noci prespati v luksuznem hotelu INTECONTINENTAL v Ljubljani, saj smo dogovjeni za zelo ugodno ceno na nocitev.
ENG Please RSVP by March 30, 2018 SLO Prosim potrdite udelezbo do 30. marca 2018.
ENG Yes, you can. Please indicate if you are bringing a guest in your RSVP. SLO Seveda, oznacite na vabilu ki ga boste poslali nazaj do 30. marca, da boste pripeljali vasega partnerja.
ENG Semi formal. Please no shorts, sandals or t-shirts, but also not a black-tie affair. Somewhere in between. SLO Srednje elegantno. Prosiva, ne cargo hlac, natikacev ali sportnih majic. Ampak seveda tudi ne skrajno crna obleka, crna kravata, bela srajca.. :) Nekaj srednjega, keep it simple, but classy :)
ENG The ceremony starts at 5:30pm. Please plan to arrive at least 10-15 minutes before the start time. SLO Poroka se zacne ob 17.30. Naceloma bo start povabljencev zenina iz Grosuplja ob 15.30, kdor pa bi prisel sam, naj bo tam 10-15min pred zacetkom.
ENG Yes, there will be an open bar until 2:00 am offering beer, wine, champagne and a limited selection of alcohol including vodka, whiskey and jager. After 2:00 am it will be a cash bar. SLO Seveda, od 18.00 do 2.00 zjutraj neomejeno vsega - od piva, vina, sampanjca, vodke, viskija, jegra in seveda tudi nealkoholnih pijac. Po drugi uri na zalost zaprejo brezplacen bar in se zabava preseli v notranji bar (restavracija).
ENG Weather permitting the ceremony and part of the reception will be held outdoors. Dinner will be held inside. SLO Glede na vreme, bo poroka zunaj na prostem. Večerja pa bo v restavraciji znotraj.
ENG The average high temperate is about 26 degrees celsius / 79 degrees fahrenheit and low is 13 degrees celsius / 55 degrees fahrenheit. SLO Pricakujemo soncno nekje med 25 in 30 stopinj celzija. Vas o tem se tocno obvestimo ko bomo blizje datumu.
ENG We have decided not to have a traditional gift registry. Instead, if you so choose, we ask that you help us fund our honeymoon in the Maldives. Please go to the "Registry" section of the site to find a link to our honeymoon fund. SLO V kolikor ste se odlocili, da naju zelite obdariti, vas prosiva da namesto standardnih tradicionalnih daril, nama pomagate s prispevkom k najinim sanjskim medenim tednom na Maldivih.