ENG Ours’ is a typical modern day love story. European boy (Matic) meets American girl (Jenna) while on vacation in Los Angeles. Drinks, pizza, more drinks and good times are shared. Boy does not initially ask girl for her number. But regrets this decision and gets her number from a friend. Then boy flies thousands of miles home to Slovenia. Much to Jenna's surprise, Matic did message her when he got home and they stayed in contact everyday after. It was clear after a few short months that both their lives had changed, possibly forever. SLO Najina ljubezenska zgodba je tipična sodobna – Evropski fant (Matic) sreča ameriško dekle (Jenna) na počitnicah v Los Angelesu. Pijača, hrana, še več pijače in dobri trenutki minevajo… Fant najprej dekle NE vpraša za njeno številko. Kmalu obžaluje to odločitev in dobi njeno številko od prijatelja. Fant potem leti tisoče kilometrov na drugo stran, Slovenijo. Popolnoma nepričakovano, Matic z njo ostane v stikih, vsak dan od dneva ko se je vrnil domov. Kmalu je bilo jasno, da so se njuna življenja spremenila, verjetno za vedno.
ENG It was during a whirlwind vacation in Europe. We were in the romantic city of Venice, Italy. Matic got down on one knee on the terrace of our beautiful hotel room overlooking the Grand Canal with the sound of Bruno Mars’ “Marry Me” in the background. I said “yes” of course, but not before asking if he was sure. As luck would have it, the magical night was cut short as I started to feel very sick and we found ourselves in the Venice emergency room early the next morning. Don’t worry – unlike American hospitals – we were in and out of there in no time and still made it to our next destination, Amsterdam! SLO Bilo je med potovanjem po Evropi. Bili smo v romantičnem mestu Benetke, Italija. Matic se je spustil na eno koleno na terasi prelepe hotelske sobe s pogledom na glavni veliki kanal v Benetkah z glasbeno spremljavo Marry Me – Bruno Mars. Rekla je »da«, seveda, ampak ne pred vprašanje, ali sem prepričan kaj delam. Na srečo ali nesrečo, se je večer zaključil prehitro, saj se je Jenna po prelepi večerji počutila zelo slabo in naslednje jutro sva pristala v bolnišnici. No, za razliko z ameriškim bolnišnicam, sva opravila v nekaj minutah in že sva bila na poti na najino naslednjo destinacijo, Amsterdam.
ENG We are both so excited to share this special day with all of you! The ceremony and reception will take place at the picturesque Blejski Grad (Bled Castle) overlooking the lake and city of Bled, Slovenia. Blejski Grad is Slovenia’s oldest castle and one of its most popular destinations. This will be a semi-formal event. The ceremony will begin at 5:30pm on the upper terrace, followed by a cocktail hour and reception including dinner and dancing. There has been a change of plans. We are no longer going to be having an after party in the city center of Ljubljana. We have decided to stay at the castle all night. Because when else will we have the opportunity to celebrate with our friends and family in such a beautiful place until the wee hours of the morning? So, let’s take advantage and make it a night to remember. SLO Oba sva zelo navdušena, da lahko deliva ta poseben dan z vami vsemi! Obred bo potekal na slikovitem Blejskem gradu s pogledom na jezero in mesto Bled. Blejski grad je najstarejši slovenski grad in ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih destinacij. Obred se bo začel ob 17:30 na zgornji terasi, sledila bo koktejl ura, sprejem, slikanja, vključno z večerjo in plesom. Zabava bo potekala na Blejskem Gradu vse do jutranjih ur, saj smo se odločili, da kdaj drugič pa bomo imeli priložnost, da slavimo s svojimi prijatelji in družino na tako čarobnem mestu kot je grad Bled, vse do jutranjih ur? Torej, izkoristimo in naredimo to noč čarobno!