Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know our wedding is going forward as planned. As always, your health and safety are our top priority, and we completely understand if you’re no longer able to attend. Please just let us know as soon as possible.
Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to let you know our wedding is going forward as planned. As always, your health and safety are our top priority, and we completely understand if you’re no longer able to attend. Please just let us know as soon as possible.
May 30, 2021
Crossroads, TX

JacqueRae & Rashard

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Kristen Strickland

Maid of Honor

Sister/Cousins is what we call each other. Its a 3 part Circle. We are a little over a month apart and there is not one life moment that has happened that she was not right there and May 30th will be no different. It has been such an awesome experience doing this wedding planning with her even through a pandemic. She is trying to pull out all the stops to bring to life all those late night conversation we have had throughout the years and I can not wait to return the favor. This ROCK STAR MOM lives by the motto Carpe Diem and she has no idea how contagious she is !!!!! I LOVE YOU KRISSY POO

Cathy Lovelace

Matron of Honor

Cathy is the very first person that I ever called Best Friend and she is also the standard that I use when considering someone my friend. We met in 7th grade and she has been with me on this life journey ever since. Cathy was the first person outside of my family to personify unconditional love. There are two things you know you are going to get from Cathy and that is TRUTH and LOVE! By profession she is a School Counselor and I know that is exactly where God wants her because she has been providing a Safe Space for me for 27 years. I love you PINK LOVELACE

Alex Bennett


Phellon or Alex as she is note affectionately called met in high school. I have no idea how we became friends because she was in any sports but what has become apparent to me over the years is that I have always been drawn to her AUTHENTICITY. Alex marches to the beat of her own drum with zero apologies which is so refreshing in a world that celebrates sameness. Alex taught me how to live out loud, celebrate the victories, and to keep pushing through the failures because it’s all apart of the journey.

LaToya Faulk

Matron of Honor

It's been 15 years since we met at Southwest Airlines Flight Attendant Training. What a ride our friendship has been. I have been blessed to have a front row seat as she and Dexter have built a beautiful life and family together. I think God blessed me with that front row seat as part of my preparation for Rashard. I think that Toya and my similarities are what brought us together but are differences are what have kept us together. And at the center of all of that is LOVE and RESPECT. A lot has change over the years but our friendship has withstood all of it.

Cicely Frizell


The 3rd piece to our Sister/Cousin circle. Cicely has been there to love and support me through every life change. She is a Silent FORCE to be reckoned with. I have learned so much through watching her grow and mature into the wife and mother we all see today. The fire in which she loves on me is what I think people feel when they experience me. I am but a mirror image of her.

Ashley Johnson


Basketball has the ability to teach us so many important life skills and the people that you learn those skills with end up being your forever Family. Ashley and I met on the court but we have been super intentional about growing and maturing together after we hung up our shoes. I lean on Ashley because she has this awesome ability to give a different perspective about any given situation in a way that I can eceive it. I love watching her mature into the wife that God has called her to be. I am so blessed to be able to see it.

Lauren Wiggins


She is the yin to my yang. Lauren and I met on the basketball court. She could hit that 3ball from ANYWHERE on that court. That has also translated into how she shoots truth from the hip into our friendship. You develop very thick skin being Lauren's friend but you know without a doubt that it is coming from a place of LOVE. I remember sitting down with the girls telling them how Rashard had been hitting me up and I was not interesting in reopening any doors LOL. She stopped me mid thought and said LOOK we’ve been single for a while, I am not saying he's the one but I am saying be open to the possibilities. I sat with that those words for a few days and told Rashard that I was open to the possibilities and the rest is history. Thanks L DUB for the Assist.

Victoria Castillo


Victoria had extended the invite to join her at OCBF Church for quite some time but this particular Sunday I text and said is the offer still standing and she said Absolutely. For the next 4 years we sat in the same place every Sunday. And during those 4 years I went through the biggest spiritual transformation with her by my side. The tears we cried and the prayers we prayed brought us to this year of miracles. I remember a conversation about how she knew her husband was the one because there were things that she had only told God that her husband Sydney began saying. That's when I started changing how I prayed for this next chapter in my life. And look where we are now. Because of bball I have always operated best in a team setting. Victoria is the ultimate Kingdom Teammate!!

Stephanie Glenn


Stephanie and I met in High School. Stephanie is the personification of KEEPING YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE and not taking no for an answer. Stephanie has been an amazing sounding board for me over the years. I have a tendency to lead with my emotions and Stephanie has let me sit it those emotions for about 2 seconds and then brings me back to what is really going on. Stephanie really balances me out and there is no way I could do this without her.

Anje'na Smith


PURE IN HEART! Anje'na is the personification of a woman constantly chasing after GODS HEART. She is also the BEST HYPE Woman a girl could ever have. If I go to her with an idea or a problem consider it HANDLED. She and I met at church. I have served along side her for the last few years and we just happened to be the only single women in our group so we clung to one another fast. It was love at first sight for me LOL. Once you see her smile and feel her spirit you will understand why we are friends. We spent many a night sitting in the church parking lot navigation Singleness and being each others encourager. She was the first friend that talked to him and then finally met hm on our first date TOBE Nwigwe Concert. She was also the one that helped him pick out the ring.

Chris Dunn

Best Man

Jahmar Sullivan


Marvell Banks


Johnathan Hill


Damien Smith


Dexter Faulk


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