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Stephanie & Jacob

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Bobbie Lee

Maid of Honor

All it took was a John Mayer concert in 2013 for our unlikely friendship to become a best friendship for a lifetime. Bobbie has been by my side since we started working at the same Panera Bread in 2012. We've gotten each other through multiple heartbreaks, endless amounts of girl talks, and many margarita date nights. No matter how down in the dumps I may feel sometimes, she always knows how to bring me back. Our girl trips will never end and they are some of my most favorite memories! I am so excited to have my soul sister standing by my side as I marry my person.

Joshua Fischer

Best Man

Having a brother in 6th grade when you are a senior makes it tough to have a brotherly bond. But all it took was half of a semester away in college and a Wendy’s parking lot for Josh and I to realize how close we actually were. I’ve gotten to watch Josh grow up throughout the years and we have gone from insufferable jerks to each other to best friends. I know I can always count on Josh for ANYTHING I could ever need, from a golf partner to a therapist. Josh (aka Adam Schefter) has seen me at my highest (2nd place in fantasy) to my lowest (pretty much every season). He worries about me more than I do myself, but all that does is push me to make it so he doesn’t have to worry anymore. I am honored to have my brother as my best man in my wedding. Also, I feel obligated to have him as my best man as Josh spent weeks with us working on our new house in 2020, leaving his own blood and sweat. Thanks for the open concept living room and finished basement!

Amanda Zernickel


My very first day I worked at Panera Bread back in 2012, Amanda was the first person to invite me to sit with her while we took our lunch together. Since that moment, she has become truly by definition the greatest best friend. Amanda has been there through every struggle I've faced and always has stood up for her Soosie. I love her endlessly for being the best yes-woman ever. Both of us being engaged during the same time will honestly be one of my favorite memories that we get to share together!

Eric Walker


In 2008, the exact cost of 2 rodeo cheeseburgers, a large fry, and a small fountain drink at Burger King was $11.36. How do I know? Because Eric and I would religiously get the same thing multiple times a week after lifting in high school. That evolved into multiple garage bands that mainly consisted of us getting overly excited at writing a heavy song that we then proceeded to play like 4 times in front of other people. Eric went into the military and I did something I never thought I would do in my 20s: I wrote and received physical letters with my best friend. I am so proud to be Eric’s friend and he has grown to be a role model for me and how I want to live my life.

Jennifer Schintzius


Jenn was my first real college friend that I made when I decided to pursue culinary school back in 2012, who also happened to work with all of us at Panera Bread. Jenn has always been such a positive light in my life and a friend I could turn to for anything. Countless college parties and hangouts at her cute little Elmwood apartment are some of my favorite memories. I am so grateful to have her stand by me in my wedding party.

Patrick Dry


For 75% of each year, I watch Pat struggle to hit a 10 pin at Manor Lanes every Monday. I try to give him good, solid advice and I give him videos to watch, but he still has a difficult time. This was all sarcastic, by the way. I am the one who can’t bowl without the bumpers on while Pat encourages me. Pat often finds himself on the receiving end of jokes, which I defend as my love language for him. The fact that Pat has stuck around all of these years, dealing with my shenanigans must mean he somewhat likes me, and that’s good enough for him to be in my wedding. He is the most loyal person I have ever met in my life, following Eric and I in our garage bands as the drummer and becoming one of the best people I have in my life. Pat is the perfect bowling partner, he supports me going into a crowd at a concert even when my own knees don’t support me, and is always down to scream at the Bills with me.

Katelyn Ball


When I met Jake and all of his friends, never did I think I would grow as close to one of them as I have with Katelyn! Through all of the shenanigans that Jake and his friends always get into, I am so so lucky that I can turn to Katelyn for a moment of sanity LOL. I am so thankful for our friend trips together (many more to come) and being the best dog mom BFF I could ask for. Having her walk down the aisle on my side, with Mike on Jake's side will truly feel full circle for us on our special day.

Michael Ball


Since 4th grade, I’ve always thought Mike was the coolest person ever. I literally wanted to play sports because of him throughout middle school, and I started playing in garage bands because of him. As we got older, Mike started booking actual bands to come to Jamestown and play shows and I would suggest bands for him to book and he would have an email sent to their agent before I finished my sentence. I felt like I was writing a wishlist to Santa Claus because Mike allowed me to see so many awesome bands (in SO many weird venues). Some of my fondest memories are jumping in an overpacked truck with Mike and driving 3 hours to watch his band play a show to 10 people. As we’ve gotten older and had to put down the guitars to pick up actual responsibilities, Mike has always remained at my side. Through life’s lowest moments to the absolute best ones, I couldn’t imagine this special day without Mike supporting me. He is the epitome of the words “best friend” becoming redefined.

Denae James


Picture this: Summer 2015 in Cusco, Peru, 6am the sun is rising, and I am just walking back to my apartment from the clubs with my favorite girl by my side. Three months studying abroad in a whole different country with Denae really changed both of our lives. It was one of the best summers of my life that I still talk about to this day, and the lifelong friendship we built that summer I hold so close to my heart. All grown up now, I still can't wait to party with her by my side on our wedding day like it was 2015.

Kyle Jose


If you think video games are easy, I challenge you to beat Portal 2 with your friend without becoming mortal enemies. Kyle and I grew up together right down the street and spent countless summer days sitting inside, in the air conditioning, rotting away in front of a Wii, only for the sun to peak through the shades and instantly blind us. I got close to Kyle in high school, but we became brothers at St. Bonaventure. I truly do not think I can share any stories of our time out in Olean together, but that was around the time I learned that you could light rum on fire and exactly how many sips were in a power hour. I also learned how to talk to my friends about my feelings and everything I dealt with during that time thanks to Kyle. It’s cliche, but I watched this man turn into a father in front of my eyes. We’ve made countless memories throughout our years together, including all of the bands mentioned along with Eric, Pat, and Mike. Now, Kyle and I share stupid memes with each other but still find time for deep conversation and breaking down the latest roster move from the Buffalo Sabres. BUFFALO’S A WAGON.

For all the days along the way
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