May 19, 2018
Skaneateles, NY

Jackie & Dan

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Bethany Horstmann

Maid of Honor

My maid of honor, Bethy, is not only my sister but also one of my closest friends. If I could pick one of my friends stand up in front of a crowd and share stories, it would be Bethy. She is determined, kind, witty, smart, generous, and loving. My favorite memory of Bethy is a recent one! We (Dan, my Mom & Dad, and Dan's Parents) were staying at a lake house in Skaneateles this summer, and Bethy would break into random Broadway hit songs like "Rain on my Parade." We had such a great time hanging out on the lake, drinking beer and wine, and hiking. It's been wonderful watching Bethany grow into the woman she has become. She inspires me and I continue to love our passion for social justice and actions for good.

Tom Didio

Best Man

-Met: At Birth -Resides: Skaneateles, NY -Ask Him: How he got his college nick-name “Big Guy Nakutchi?”

Emily Horstmann

Maid of Honor

My Matron of Honor is not only my Matron, but one of my best friends. Emily is talented in almost anything she does - she is an incredible artist, cook, runner, writer, and so much more. In addition to those incredible talents, she is an incredible mother and wife. Sophie and Isaac are lucky to have a mom like Emmy! My favorite memory of Emily was when I visited her at Florida State when she was a freshman in college. We had a blast going out at FSU together, it was fun seeing her in her element. We danced, drank, and ate and had care-free night of debauchery.

John Mecionis


-Met: Freshman year college -Resides: New York, NY -Ask Him: How he put up living with me for seven years?

Ashley McCormack


Ashley and I started our friendship in French class in 8th grade. If you haven't heard the balloon saga of my 8th grade year, it's the reason Ashley is my best friend. She has been there with me through thick and thin, through moves across the country, horses and dogs, homecomings and proms, and trips to Nepal. She is truly my soul sister! Ashley walks the walk. I want to be like her and she inspires me to keep going and growing!

Kevin Redmond


-Met: In first grade -Resides: Syracuse, NY -Ask Him: How did you celebrate your 21st birthday?

Bonnie Killeavy


Bonnie and I met in 2008 in Athens, Greece on our epic study abroad trip. Since then, she's been an incredible friend and sister. Bonnie, Amy and I lived together in our first apartment in DC. Some of my favorite memories are our trips abroad and also just fun nights watching Bravo in Arlington. I was lucky enough to watch Ella, our favorite six-year-old and their daughter, grow, be a bridesmaid in her wedding, see her marry the love of her life, Kevin, and also be a huge part of our engagement in Iceland. Bonnie is one of the most inclusive, fun, and hardworking people I know. Thank you for inspiring me to always be kind.

Brian Holden


-Met: Freshman year college -Resides: Winston-Salem, NC -Ask Him: About our senior year, spring break, vision quest in the Appalachian Mountains?

Gina Didio


Gina is one of the kindest souls I know. My favorite memory of Gina was when she came to Stamford to visit Dan and I for the first time. I was a little nervous to meet her, since I liked Dan so much, and we decided to go to dinner with Andrew and Sarah Wood at Fortina. Dan was being a jokster and made not-so-nice gesture about his feelings on marriage - Gina's eye roll was the best! She always makes me feel at home and included in the Didio clan and I'm excited to have her as my sister.

Al Behm


-Met: In 10th Grade -Resides: Syracuse, NY -Ask Him: About our trips to his camp in Canada on the St. Lawerence River

Kristina Didio


Krisitina is the most determined person I've ever met. She knows who she is and never let's that go - she inspires me with her confidence and belief in herself. One of my favorite memories with Kristina is when we spent the Fourth of July in Skaneateles in 2016. We all wore America shirts and were being silly and goofy and she and Dan started their duo act. I really felt like part of the family. Kristina will be graduating from Syracuse the week before our wedding!!! We are so proud of her and can't wait to see what she accomplishes.

Andrew Wood


-Met: In Ninth Grade -Resides: Stamford, CT -Ask Him: About the time/times I️ crashed on their (Sarah and Andrews) couch and became their interim roommate

Lindsey Dogali


Lindsey is kind, determined, extremely smart, and funny! I don't know what I'd do without her constant good advice, funny nights (ask her about Bethany Beach 2015). It was such an honor to be a bridesmaid in Lindsey's wedding to her perfect partner, Matt. What an amazing night of fun and celebrating - where I was thrown the bouquet. One of my favorite memories of Linds is when we went to Amelia Island for Easter in college to stay with my grandparents. It's been so special living near Linds again and watching her be an amazing Mother to Lily.

Corey Ramsden


-Met: In first grade -Resides: Peru, NY -Ask Him: About water balloons and snowballs in the “turquoise mini”

Sarah Senior


I knew Sarah would be one of my best friends the night we went to the Gator Grad night in Tysons Corner in high school. We both sat at the same table and her dad, Tim, said "why don't you all just be roommates?!" Well we did, and then our friend group created! From long road trips from VA to UF, freshman year living, next door neighbors, being a bridesmaid in your wedding to your amazing hubby Tim, visiting ATL, and one epic trip to Amsterdam, we've had a lot of memories! She is kind, make any situation fun, and are incredibly loyal. She is an awesome boss-lady and I love how she inspires me to think bigger. Ask Sarah about her pup Maddox - what a cutie!!

John Marino


-Met: In first grade -Resides: Leonardtown, MD -Ask Him: About the summers landscaping or time we owned Skidmore Lacrosse camp?

Lisa Cessna


Lisa is an incredible human. Always thinking of others, she is the person who always sends you a letter, a housewarming gift, or call on a bad day. Lisa and I met in college and were roommates for two years. She teaches me to think bigger, better, and challenges me to be a better person. One of my favorite memories of Lisa is her engagement! Matt was the sweetest and asked me and Lindsey to fly down to Atlanta and she was so surprised. She and Matt and so perfect for each other, and they make the world a truly better place to live in. I was so blessed to be a part of their wedding as a bridesmaid - how lucky am I???

Billy Pryor


-Met: Sophomore Year of College -Resides: New York, NY -Ask Him: About the time he owned Syracuse University

Lindsey Gravitz


SLASH BRIDE with her amazing soon-to-be hubby, Mike. Lindsey is the sweetest for sharing a wedding date close to me and Dan. She is one of my favorite Florida and DC people. From game nights in DC all the way back to nights out in Gainesville, I have so many great memories with Linds. One of my favorite memories was actually recently, when Linds and I went to a pop up dinner in DC. Also, the night that we were all in Gainesville and Sarah, Linds and I stayed out (I did a cartwheel in the road...) it was an incredible night to remember.

Casey Ryan


-Met: Sophomore Year in College -Resides: New York, NY -Ask Him: About our random camping trip to his cottage

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