Please note that we are staying up to date with Virginia's current Covid-19 watch. If anything is to change, we will be updating our website. If you are unvaccinated and plan on attending the wedding, you will be required to wear a mask.
Please note that we are staying up to date with Virginia's current Covid-19 watch. If anything is to change, we will be updating our website. If you are unvaccinated and plan on attending the wedding, you will be required to wear a mask.
October 14, 2021
Powhatan, Virginia

Krista & Alex

    Wedding Party
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Wedding Party

Meet our friends and family that are supporting us on our big day and into marriage.

Hannah Imburg

Maid of Honor

Hannah has been one of my best friends for over 13 years. From rushing the same sorority, living together for over half the time we have known each other and experiencing Richmond together, Hannah has grown to be so much more than a friend, she is my family.

Will Johnson

Best Man

Will and I have been close friends since we met at Germanna Community College 19 years ago. During our friendship I've been Will's Best Man, spent two stints as roommate--once before and after the Air Force, and was honorarily named "Uncle Axe" by his daughter Mariella. Truly one of the best and most trust worthy person I've ever met and like a brother to me. It's an honor to have him as Best Man.

Emily Dunkum

Matron of Honor

Since birth, my sister Emily, my huggie, had always been my little shadow. With only an age difference of 19 months, we were inseparable as children. From mom dressing us up like twins to me being maid of honor in her wedding, our bond has always been strong.

Michael Carter


My slightly younger, slightly bigger, and slightly more adult brother. When we were kids I would teach Mike everything I learned in the world of sports. As soon as I taught him how to catch, Mike would say "Throw me the ball, throw me the ball, I promise not to intercept it." Only to catch it and run away yelling "INTERCEPTION!" Mike is someone whom I look up to, trust, and turn to for advice. We have the same sense of humor and it's an honor to have such a good man as a brother and groomsman.

Abigail Blaisdell

Matron of Honor

My baby sister, Abigail, has always been my little baby. Our age difference of 8 years made it so I was able to help my parents care for her. From teaching her how to tie her shoes, potty train her and even trying to teach her how to ride a bike!

Chris Jackson


First friend of Richmond. I was introduced to Chris a full six months before moving here while we both attended our friend, Mike Fuoco's wedding. Once I transferred to VCU and became a full time resident of Richmond, Chris introduced me to some of this city's finest establishments: Mulligans and Mojo's. In the 10 years since, there have been many bond fires and barbeques. Chris has settled down, gotten married to his beautiful Amy, and become the father of two children: Harper and Gus. A connoisseur of fine whiskeys and Coors Lights, Chris can be identified by his large beard, distinct laugh, or perhaps you'll hear him off in the distance yelling "Kee-yaaah."

Samantha Moore


Sam has been an amazing friend of mine since college. We may have started out with Sam being a little intimidated by me but I am so thankful for our friendship today. Although we may not see each other everyday, anytime we talk or meet up, it's like no time has passed since the last time we were together.

Dustin Gilmore


May 4th, 2004: Day 1 of the Air Force. I honestly can't remember my first conversation with Dustin, but I can clearly remember him yelling at me and my bunk mate "Carter, Hurry the hell up and get your bed made." Best Friends. No, wait. Back then I couldn't stand Dustin. Dude was way too Type A for me to handle when under that much stress; oil and vinegar. But slowly over time, once we started hanging out in a more fun environment, we went from adversaries to friends. Some shared hijinks and similar types of humor: Best Friends. Dustin is still a super type A. If anyone gets out of line, he's most likely to get them back on track. As long as everyone is on the same page, Dustin will be leading the fun.

Brittany Bak


Although we have only known each other for a few years, Brittany has quickly become one of my favorite people ever! Whether we are meeting up for happy hour, talking about our current woes or singing along to some Bob’s Burgers, we always have a fabulous time!

Jason Thomas


I met Jason through Krista and got to know him through the different sports that we have played together: dodgeball, softball, kickball, wiffleball and (now that there's been a pandemic) golf! Jason has the sole distinction of asking me "So when are you guys getting hitched?" well before I was ready have that conversation in a group setting. Still, he was reading the tea leaves correctly and has done as much to look out for Krista and I as we have walked our path of falling in love. I know that he's got our back as we face our future challenges together.

For all the days along the way
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