July 31, 2021

Heather & John


We’re getting married!






July 31, 2021

“Not to say it won’t happen..”

John and I met through my younger brother, Wolf. John was one of “the crew” who was a regular visitor at my parents’ house back in 2009. I had just graduated from college and moved back home. John just finished his senior year of high school and was working on AFB. After work one evening, he came over to hang out. I didn’t know this at the time but he vividly remembers watching me come down into the basement to let my Dad know that I was on my way out with a girlfriend of mine to go to the mall. He saw me, but because I was in such a rush, I didn’t see him. From that moment on,he knew I was meant to be his. A few weeks later after getting to know each other, we’d became Facebook friends. One particular night, he messaged me expressing his feelings towards me after weeks and weeks of getting to know one another. We had developed a strong friendship and I explained to him I liked him just as a friend. However, I did admit that there was a possibility of us becoming more than friends one day...just not at that moment. That’s all it took for him to continue to build the best friendship we both have to this day. Fast forward to 2016 and he gave me THE best surprise proposal that was set up as a “ladies’ night”. Fast forward a year later and we welcomed the happiest, sweetest, and most beautiful baby girl-Leilani. Now it’s to celebrate with family and friends our Union as Man and Wife, which is set to occur on the date that started it all: August 1st.

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