This is our favorite date night spot! It's part bar, part outdoor theatre, and part restaurant. Sound intriguing? Bring an appetite, because the Italian food truck Patrizi's located in the courtyard of the bar is the best pasta in the city.
South Congress is a fun street to stroll along, window shop, and grab ice cream and coffee. Make sure to check out the famous "i love you so much" graffiti at Jo's Coffee. At dusk, make your way to the South Congress bridge to watch Austin's bat colony fly out from under the bridge. Alicia's favorite thing in the city!
The Austin Central Library is making libraries cool again. This new-ish spot is MASSIVE and complete with a cafe, gift shop, rooftop terrace, board game lounge, and mini-museums. Oh, and books. Definitely set aside several hours for this.
Our favorite! This coffee shop has several locations around the city, and it is delicious. Alicia's order: the Blueberry Crisp Latte (1/3 sweet, extra shot of espresso). Sean's order: the Sean Connery (triple espresso and Moon Milk shaken over ice).