Auckland Airport is the closest airport to the wedding venue. Air New Zealand & United provide the most flight options if you are flying in from overseas.
Travel Note
There is a 21-hour time difference between Los Angeles (PST) and Auckland (NZDT). Depending on the time of departure from America & flight route, you should arrive in New Zealand in two calendar days due to the time difference and long flight journey. The returning flight typically leaves and arrives on the same calendar day. Example of flight: Departure: LAX Tuesday, March 12 2024 @ 8:55pm Arrival: Auckland Thursday, March 14 2024 @ 6:00am Flight duration: 13 hours 5 minutes Departure: Auckland Tuesday, March 19 2024 @ 8:15pm Arrival: LAX Tuesday, March 19 2024 @ 12:15 pm Flight duration: 12 hours
Travel Note
To visit New Zealand, you must obtain an NZETA: Cost and processing time: An NZeTA request costs NZD $17 on the free app, or NZD $23 if completed online. Allow 72 hours for your NZeTA request to be processed. If you are entering New Zealand you must also pay an IVL, which funds tourism infrastructure and helps protect the natural environment. You pay the IVL at the same time as you request your NZeTA. The IVL costs NZD $35.
This hotel is where the wedding will be taking place. The venue is about 60 kilometres from the airport which should take about 1 hour to drive.
Another bed and breakfast accommodation option in Waiuku with multiple room configurations. We can provide transport to and from this venue
Waiuku is the closest town to the wedding venue and takes only a 10 minute drive. A more affordable option than staying onsite at the venue. We can provide transport to and from this venue
Waiuku is the closest town to the wedding venue and takes only a 10 minute drive. A more affordable option than staying onsite at the venue. We can provide transport to and from this venue.
Pukekohe offers a number of accommodation options that are generally the same in value. Pukekohe is roughly 30 minutes from the venue. We will only be providing transport from Waiuku.