Maid of Honor
Ash and I go way back as you could probably guess and while things haven't always been smooth sailing, because what sibling relationship ever is, there is one thing for certain, I wouldn't be who I am without her. Ashley has always pushed me to be a better person, as an older sister and striving to be a positive role model to her. She is an extremely driven individual, passionate to no end about those she cares for and has a never back down attitude that I so deeply admire. She always keeps me laughing with her sarcastic whit and is always in for giving our mom a hard time for her extremely "detailed" stories. Smartie, thank you for always keeping me on my toes, challenging me and humbling me when it came to speed and agility in HS ;). I can't wait to have you standing right by my side.
Best Man
I use to shoot Andrew with airsoft/paintball guns while he was completely defenseless, wrestled him into submission until he'd do my chores, and endlessly make fun of him in front of friends and family, as an older brothers should. It was my job, and honestly, my birthright as I was first into this world. He was the baby and got all of the attention so it was an even trade. Andrew was never one to retaliate and I thought it was because he knew the rules; I was boss and he would suffer the consequences if he didn't. Now it has come around and he holds the power of the best man speech to uncover all the embarrassing and indicting stories on the most important day of life... Now if he's smart, he'll realize if he ever gets married, I have the same power and he shall chose his words wisely.
Matron of Honor
Hannah is one in a trillion. She is the funniest, kindest and has the best memory of anyone I know. We met in 8th grade, however this is the one detail Hannah has a tough time remembering, that, and my birthday. In high school we made countless memories, many of which made through student council and other extra curriculars. Our senior year we both strategically planned our schedules to match one another’s and we only had one class different the entire year.. which I am sure no teacher was thrilled over. Anyway, Hannah is one of those people that light’s up the room as soon as she is around and there are very few of my favorite memories I have that don’t involve her and her infectious laugh. Her many party tricks include movie trivia, Spongebob quotes and Eminem rapping, to name a few.
Best Man
I met Austin days into college at UNI where he was wearing a Solon cut-off T held together only by the stitching at the collar and waist. It instantly caught my eye as I thought to myself "hardass", and the rest is history. Both of us being aspiring PT's, I got past the cut-off and stuck together for most of our classes. A purely a selfish act to get through school doing only half the work required. I regrettably introduced Austin to Brandt and they became way better friends. His friendship finally paid off when he introduced me to his brother, Brandon aka Better Kramer. Truly, Austin and I were inseparable throughout UNI and went through a lot together. Austin losing many phones and crying, I losing teeth and crying. Either way, he has always been my best friend and best man.
Kaia Buck. Where to begin? We met our freshman year of college in our Gen Chem class where I quickly learned she didn’t love it near as much as I did, or at all. We also lived in the same hallway in Krueze Hall. After learning just how much she hated chemistry I became her unofficial tutor and we began to spend more time together, although not much studying got accomplished. We realized how much we had in common and how much fun we had together and makes me wonder how we got through life before meeting each other. Kaia and I have countless memories from our undergrad years but I think to best sum them all up it takes 3 phrases. Mac and Cheese. Totinos. Vampire Diaries.
This bearded, long-haired, lumberjack was on a UNI trip to New Zealand with me back in 2016. I didn't quite know what to expect for him when he approached Austin and I in the airport but I definitely did not expect his higher-pitched voice, though, in his defense, I was expecting Morgan Freeman because of his appearance. Throughout NZ, we drank a lot of Teacher's, were kicked out of our fair share of NZ bars, and solidified our friendship through making fun of Austin. Ryley has been third wheeling Syds and I and taking her side on everything ever since making it nearly impossible to win any discussion when he is around. Don't be surprised if he stands on her side of the alter on the big day.
Lex and I have a funny way about how our friendship truly came to be. Our senior year of highschool we decided that matching outfits, swapping clothes, and flat out being completely extra was "cool"; with the pictures to prove it. Throughout the past ten years our friendship has been effortless as we can pick up right where we leave off and always seem to be on the same page. She lives out all my travel aspirations by actually going on trips and then indulging me with all the fun details afterwards. She spoils us with her lake each summer and her mom has hosted countless Friendsgiving taco nights that are always a crowd favorite. Near or far, Lex is a true friend and will always give her everything to make sure you know how important you are to her, just another reason why she is so loved!
Brandt Becker was a UNI warehouse mail and delivery specialist with me back in our freshman year at UNI. Kathy, the manager, was never too keen on us scheduling our shifts at the same time. Through sorting mail and delivering toiletries to all of UNI, we became good enough friends to hangout outside of work hours which means he met Austin. I wasn't totally sure how those two would gel but I've never seen two grown men cry laughing at each other more than those two. The three of us bunked up and got a place at UNI and did pretty much everything together; worked out, made tacos, drank enough BV to keep them in business, and mainly making extremely rude comments to one another on very personal subjects to keep all of us in line. (Don't point out Brandt's pimples...)
Rachel is actually the real reason we are hosting a wedding. I’m not quite sure how it started but during the phase of when it was “cool” on Facebook to list all your friends as siblings, aunts, etc, Rach and I decided to get married & if you dig deep enough in pictures you’ll find a good collection of us proposing to each other. So if you see Rach up at the alter instead of Alex, don’t be alarmed, it’s been a long work in the making. Following HS, Rach and I were college rivals which alllllmooost bumped her fiance status, however I don’t think it’s possible to dislike Rachel (despite her poor college selection). We spent countless Saturday night's in her parent's basement eating soooo much junk food and laughing until our stomachs hurt and I am so excited to keep making memories with her!
Ryan and I met at UNI through Eric as well as physical therapy club activities. We became friends and decided it would be a good idea to live together in Des Moines for PT school. I can vividly remember riding in his maroon grand prix down to DSM to scope out potential places to live. Our love instantly sparked and the rest was history. We found THE Dr. Patrick Chizek to take our third room and we went together like pretzels, mustard, and crystal light. Ryan moved out for Madi, then bought a house with Madi, but then let me crash him and his brand new wife's brand new home for 2months during a rotation an that's when I knew, I > Madi. Since the Danielson house means so much to Syds and I, we are exploring the option to have the ceremony in their kitchen. Check your invitations for details.
Katie is about as close to a female soul mate as you can get, she’s the sassy to the sweet, the peanut butter to the jelly and the fireball to the fireball. Oh wait. This comes to no shock to us though considering her husband is likely my clone in male version. Katie is always willing to have a good time but also always willing to relax and watch a movie; she is kind, considerate and always honest, a trait I greatly admire in her. She is another friend that I wonder who the heck I managed before her. And although we don’t get to see each other nearly as often as we'd like but she keeps me sane through her always willing to help personality and venting text sessions. And if you play Truth Hurts by Lizzo at the wedding, you’ve ensured yourself a best friend.
Scout and I met in middle school and our parents worried about us ever since. We were both decent kids with enough moral guidance to keep us away from booze and highly illegal activities but we still found our ways into trouble. Nothing serious but nothing we have admitted to our families yet... There weren't many weekends we weren't over at one or the others house, and there were many weekends we wouldn't come back to our own home until Sunday afternoon for one meal with our families before the week started again. We made it through high school as best friends and even throughout college and graduate school when we lost touch, we could pick it all right back up from where we left off. We've been through a lot and can say with confidence, Scout is my longest friendship I've ever had.
Madi is a saint of all saints and I am 100% convinced you will not find a more genuine person in the world. I also owe her a large thank you for convincing Alex to "wait" on me while I finally stopped lying to myself that I liked him. Madi will be the first to ask how your day was, how you’re doing and how the rest of your family is and the last to ever mention herself. There are days when I tell myself to channel my inner Madi and try to be as self-less as she is. She is my go to girl in Des Moines for a relaxing night and always in for calling it an early night so we can go home and go to bed. She’s also my go to person to sympathize with when Alex and Ryan are in their own little world, discussing darts, whiskey glasses and ice cubes.
Dr. Patrick Chizek was my Anatomy and Physiology Lab TA while at UNI. This was an 8am lab and Pat was either late, hungover, or both, and never neither. We never were close in undergrad but would always buy one another a shot if we stumbled into the same bar as one another. He attended DMU to receive his D.O. degree (obviously a bigger deal than our measly DPT degrees) and was in need of a roommate. Ryan Danielson and I already pinky-promised to be roommates so we invited him to join us. Both Ryan and I were blessed with Pat's crazy and very inappropriate comments throughout our time at DMU and there was never an evening without one of us crying laughing. Though Pat is now our superior, he still makes time for us as he can during his residency in KC.
Personal Attendant
Ali B, she is another friend who despite how long we go without seeing each other or even getting a chance to talk, we always can pick up right where we left off. She and I have the same drive to be competitive and find odd satisfaction in a really hard workout. She is a genuine, kind and bad a$$ individual who is going to save the world some day, one emergency room at a time. She is always down to have a blast and lives where adventure takes her. I admire her brave and courageous spirit who is always willing to give of herself without taking anything in return. Yet another example of a friend I feel so lucky to have in my life.
Gotta say, the best thing Austin ever did in life was have a way cooler brother. His name is Syds phone is still to this day "Better Kramer". Brandon Kramer (aka BKrame or Skinny P) and I started to become good friends when he came to UNI. Luckily for him, Austin, Brandt, and I had a place off campus and fake IDs to get him kool-aids and have a safe place to drink them. UNI came and passed but Lake MacBride blazing fast 9.9hp pontoon rides were always a summer must-do. Pool, beers-bee, spike-ball, darts, Halo, you name it, Brandon and I teamed up and beat Austin at it. Throughout the years we became closer and closer and started hanging out more-so than Austin and I because Brandon was smart enough to move to DSM. So thank you Austin, for a life long friend and Halo swords partner.
Personal Attendant
Jonnie Sue has welcomed me into the family since day 1. She has the brightest and warmest personality and is ALWAYS thinking of others. She loves people and helping where ever she can and always open to a challenge. Jonnie possesses all the qualities I wish I had but never will, she is patient, talented at everything and a self taught master at hair, nails, makeup and all artistic skills. I am so thrilled to be gaining another sister in a few short months and could not have hand picked a better person if I tried.
Eric Bridewater, the man Brandt was hanging out with quite frequently during Sophomore year, essentially cheating on Austin and I, if you will. Brandt finally introduced us to his mistress and the 4-man wolf pack was born. There wasn't much we didn't all do together. BV filled lake weekends at Bridgewater lodge and road trips to Wisconsin were the highlights (and lowlights) of our adventures. Many stories of our whiskey filled endeavors have yet to land on the ears of anyone outside of our trusted circles, and it shall remain that way until the end of times... Although he started as threat, he ended as one of my closest friends.
Sorry Matt, I get to write your personal bio rather than Alex. Matt has been the brother I never had and boy has he been good at it. Picking on me his specialty, never letting my head get too big or ego inflated, he keeps me in line. I can't tell you how many softball jokes I've heard from him and I will likely be late for practice by writing this, but he keeps them coming and to him never get old ;). However, despite all the crap he is also protective and has always had my back no matter the circumstance. Matt is one of my oldest and dearest friends and I feel so blessed to have him in our lives. He has impeccabled fashion sense and in the past few years when he was earning a paycheck while I was still in school, his shoe game has surpassed mine but don't worry I'll get back in the game!
We have been mistaken for brothers many times, and it has been one of the best compliments I have ever received. This handsome devil is dating Sydney's sister and maid of honor, Ashley, who introduced us and it has been happily ever after ever since. We have been picking on Terry and shmoozing Rita for rights to the "Favorite Boyfriend Award" (which I clearly won as my picture on the Greenlund refrigerator claims). Though he has falling to second, it's a good thing we don't live closer because poor Syd and Ash wouldn't have much time with their significant others... probably resulting in the perishing of the "Favorite Boyfriend Award" all together. But jokes on them because good luck finding another pair of brothers-from-other-mothers that look this drop-dead gorgeous.