
Grace & Edward

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

The Wedding Website of Grace Weber and Edward Potter

Hayley Caddes

Maid of Honor

Hayley has been one of Grace's best friends since they met in college. Originally Grace thought Hayley was too crazy for her, but come to find out that these two intelligent girls are ying and yang. Hayley and Grace still make lots of time for each other. Without Hayley and Ryan, Grace wouldn't have had the courage to ask Eddie out!

Amos Miller

Best Man

Amos has been Eddie's best friend for a long time. They were friends in middle and high school, roommates in college, and best buddies since - always taking the time to get a good squat in. Amos really gets Eddie. Amos has also been a good friend of Grace's since she graduated high school, ultimately introducing her to Eddie.

Ryan Robertson

Maid of Honor

Grace's ride or die. They have been friends since they were teens. They have gotten in to a LOT of trouble together, and Ryan has always pushed Grace's boundaries, causing her to be a better person. Ryan has always been Grace's shoulder to cry on and has helped her in great times of need. She was the instigator in getting Grace to ask Eddie out, with the help of Hayley of course.

Vincent Potter


Vincent is Eddie's oldest brother. Vincent has been a strong influence in Ed's life since he was little. Vincent taught Eddie the importance of being your own person and opened his mind to the impactful nature of creativity and imagination.

Katy LeMasters


Grace's cousin and one of her bestest friends, Katy has known Grace since she was born. They have spent every summer together and currently live together in Tulsa, with Eddie. Katy is Grace's (and Ed's) reminder to not take life too seriously and that family always has your back.

Jack Smith


One of Ed's oldest friends, Jack has influenced Ed's love of punk music, love of dogs, and love of not giving a shit. Eddie first felt true brotherhood, beyond his family, with Jack.

Rachel Hatheway


Rachel and Grace became really close a few years ago, when Eddie was gone for months at the dreaded Boot Camp! Rachel and Grace know how to get belligerent together and they also know how to keep it real and keep it chill. Rachel was a very importance pillar of support for Grace during that time, not to mention she is also Ryan's little sister!

David Weber


David, or Davy, is Grace's oldest brother and confidant. He also works with Eddie and has become a valuable friend to him as well. David has always been a strong influence in Grace's life, and has become one for Eddie as well.

Haileigh Waterwood


Grace met Haileigh during her first few days of High School at Holland Hall. Her best friend all through high school and beyond, they have been on a wild ride together, and have always stayed true to each other as friends.

Robert Weber


Grace's brother, Robert has been a big part of both Ed and Grace's life since they started dating. Lovable, charismatic, and always one to keep the party going, even when you want it to end, Robert is a valuable part of their family.

Mica Thompson


Mica is one of Grace's closest friends from college. They spent a good chunk of their last year together, going to Red Hot, listening to good records, making breakfast with Mica's pet snake, and having the deep chats; really figuring out who they wanted to grow up to be. They share a soul connection, and from afar Mica has helped Grace through many tough days, whether she knows it or not.

Paige Clark


Grace's oldest friend. Paige and Grace first met in a bathtub as small children, only to re-meet again in middle school. Paige and Grace saw each others absolute worst during the dreaded middle school years, and are somehow still friends today. They are always there for each other during the worst times, and know just how to laugh it off together. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Paige can't make it to the wedding, but she is still a bridesmaid!

Hans J. G. Whirlpool Hepner


Hans. Jamo. Orange Dreamsicle Speedo. A man of mystery. My sleep paralysis demon looks like Hans. He has an extra key. Black mist and he is there. Bolo in black.

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