August 6, 2022
Saginaw, MI

Cecilia and Gilbert


Floral ArrangementFloral ArrangementFloral ArrangementFloral Arrangement

Gilbert Ramirez


Cecilia Olvera




August 6


How We Met

September 1, 2017

Gil and Cece met in the middle of the Saginaw, Kroger parking lot. Gil went there to deliver a vendor fee to Cece for one of her first community events. The next day he showed up to the event at Bridgeport Highschool with the Wella's Kitchen crew. Towards the end of the event, Gil asked Cece for her number and invited her to hang out later. Their first meeting was at groomsmen, Adam Root's house for Gil's fantasy football draft afterparty.

The Proposal

November 19, 2021

After weeks of talking about getting married and taking premarital counseling, Gil made plans to take Cece to the annual tree lighting in Downtown Detroit. Gil coordinated with their friend, Jeff (These Scattered Memories) to take photos of the proposal. Gil took Cece to Seva for dinner and then to the Campus Martius. He told her that they had to be there at a certain time in order to make casino to place a bet in time. They moved through the crowd to get to the tree for a picture. After taking a selfie, Gil got on one knee and asked Cece to marry him.

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