9:00 am - 12:00 pm
The ceremony will be an Anand Karaj or traditional Sikh wedding. Please cover your head with a bandana or scarf when entering a Gurdwara or Sikh temple. Traditional outfits encouraged!
Baraat will begin at 9am, followed by the Milni at 9:30am. Light refreshments such as cha and pakoras to follow. The Anand Karaj will begin at 10:30am with langar beginning at noon. Please check out our FAQ for a breakdown of all the events of a Sikh wedding ceremony!
5:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Get ready to celebrate and dance! Indian party wear or your favorite cocktail dress or a bright floral suit - we'd love to see it all!
Cocktail hour will begin at 5pm with drinks and snacks. We're so excited to have members of our talented community play music for us. Belmont Manor is a beautiful historical mansion - please feel free to explore the inside! The gardens are full of beautiful native flowers and a lily pad pond. We fell in love with this venue as soon as we toured it and are excited for our friends and family to see it soon!