Easy to remember as it's in the name! The name of the venue is 501 Union and the full address is: 501 Union St, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Street parking is available, we recommend parking at your hotel/accommodations and walking to the venue. There is also a paid parking garage that is ~4minute walk to the venue. Information is included on the travel page of this website.
We would love a solid guest count by June 1st, but we understand when there are emergencies that cause changes in plans.
The welcome party will be business/smart casual. Think graduation or other events where photos are expected. Be comfortable but ready to make memories! The wedding will be cocktail attire please. But we want you to feel comfortable, so please have fun with your outfits! Our color theme includes tropical shades. Please, no jeans or sneakers, and no white/off white dresses.
If your invitation says “and Guest,” then yes. If not, we would prefer if it was just you as we only wish for close family and friends to be with us to celebrate our big day.
Please see the travel page, we included suggestions and hotels with wedding discounts!