Faith and Patrick right after they got engaged!!
This was the day that Patrick went to meet Faith’s Family in PA. Just before they began dating. Clyde, her dad in the picture, thought it would be fun if we sent Faith a selfie!
Faith eating a burrito days after the engagement. Trying not to get retried beans stuck in the ring!
Moments before Patrick asked Faith to marry him. He took her to where they had their first date. He didn’t eat any of his meal...😅
Faith came to meet Patrick’s family in New Orleans for Christmas! Needless to say, they loved her!!
Faith and Patrick’s first Saints game together. They lost. 😭
Faith and Patrick visiting their friend Addison around Christmas time.
Patrick and Faith eating breakfast with mrs. Chris Yellin, their friend’s mom. She’s awesome!
When Patrick used to work for a catering company, Faith would sometimes drive him to work. She was such an awesome girlfriend. #fianceenow #craginsgotfaith