When booking our date/venue in December 2020 we never anticipated COVID-19 precautions still being necessary, unfortunately, here we are. The short answer is YES. All guests in attendance will need to be either fully vaccinated (including booster) OR receive a negative test within 72 hours of the event. As COVID-19 regulations are consistently changing, we will make sure to keep all guests updated on any COVID-19-related requirements for the wedding and reception as best we can!
All staff at our venue will be wearing masks, though they are not required for guests. If your comfort level is best when wearing a mask, please feel free to do so.
Yes! Black tie is preferred. Wear floor-length gowns or formal cocktail dresses, tuxes with black neckties or bowties.
We love your kids, but thought you might like a night off to enjoy and celebrate with us. Adults only please!
We hate fees - like really hate them - and all the cash-collecting sites charge them to you :( If your generosity leads you to wanting to donate to a wine tasting tour on our Honeymoon in Greece or a new couch in our First Home together, feel free to mail us a check or bring it to our big day! We promise to let you know exactly what adventure it enables us to have!
Yes! Parking will be one block away at the Long Beach Seventh-day Adventist Church on E 3rd street. You cannot leave your car here overnight, so if you plan to indulge (which we totally support) please plan to Uber/Lyft!
We have reserved a block of rooms at The Westin Long Beach, just one mile away from the event space. Please check the travel page here for the most up-to-date information on how to take advantage of this offer!
As you know, we're no strangers to food allergies. Please be sure to let us know what restrictions you may have and we will do our very best to accommodate them.