
Pamela & Erin

    Our Hosts

Our Hosts

The Wedding Website of Pamela Mills and Erin Matthews
Karen and Mark will be our hosts on our special day. They are long term friends with a very generous spirit. They are health care professionals that provide the highest level of care available in Ottawa. They are generous, passionate and supportive of everyone they know, from family, to friends and to the entire community. They love entertaining and have graciously offered their beautiful home as our venue. Our backyard wedding will be held on their beautiful waterfront paradise created by Mark and Karen as they envisioned their life on the river. We are honoured to have friends like them who really are extended members of our family. The hosts and venue alone are enough to make this a spectacular and memorable event.


Wonder Dog

Zeke is Mark and Karen’s "wonder dog” - a beautiful black Bouvier. You may or may not see him on our wedding but we want you to know he is a special member of the family.

For all the days along the way
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