We're hopeful that by mid-November things will seem safer all around. That said, guests are required to be up to date on their vaccinations and boosters, and depending on numbers it is possible that we'll ask everyone to take a rapid test day of. We'll let you know as the day gets closer!
For the reception, there is some parking at the Log Cabin and more parking nearby in the Presidio. For the ceremony at Lafayette Park (weather-permitting!) there is no parking lot. We recommend that if you plan to drive to the ceremony you leave significant time to find street parking. The park is a 10 minute walk from the Holiday Inn where we have a room block. San Francisco is very hilly, so if you have mobility concerns you may be best served by a taxi or uber.
If it rains or is exceedingly cold, both the ceremony and the reception will be at the Log Cabin. We'll let you know the day before!
We're glad for your kids to join us (and also totally understand if you're excited for a weekend away from them)! Just please RSVP for them when you RSVP for yourself so we can make sure to have the correct number of chairs/highchairs at each table.
We're going to be arranging cars for folks who need them. Keep an eye on your inbox for a survey asking you to share your transportation plans and needs!