Em's Best Person
Serial yarn collector. Certified master knitter. Addicted to petting dogs. Opens the door to her pantry and an entire grocery aisle of tea comes tumbling out. Em's college roommate and chief mischief assistant.
Jake's Best Person
Riley has been my best friend since childhood, so it's no stretch to say he's more like family to me than anything. His hobbies include rolling little plastic shapes around, making the numbers go up, and taking refreshing, mile long swims in frigid, open waters.
Professional pot thrower. Farming sim addict. Mama to Lucy, the only chihuahua God will ever love. The Rat Queen. Em and I have six-degrees-from-Kevin-Bacon'd our way into a beautiful friendship.
*big inhale* NERD. Jokes aside, we kept each other sane while we lived together in Starkville. This involved more League of Legends than I think either of us cares to admit. We bring out the worst in each other, in the best ways.
THE Doctor. Snow White but with chickens. Old hat at the "having an awesome marriage" thing. Has the kind of dedication to have watched all of BLEACH for Ichigo. Technically Em's cousin, but emotionally and spiritually Em's big sister.
King Weeb. If you want to know about Fate, he's your man. He has the good fortune of living with the second best cat of all time, and the great misfortune of having known me throughout college. Like me, Colin has absolutely terrible taste in music.
The myth, the absolute legend. Since Em and Jake can't Solomon's Baby him, the natural solution was making him our officiant! Through thick and thin, we've all known each other for ages, keeping each other sane with absolutely wild tabletop game nights throughout college and beyond.