April 15, 2023
White Hall, MD

Elena & William



The Wedding Website of Elena Valdez and William Huggins Jr.
We will continue to add FAQ's as they arise!! See the "Schedule" and "Travel" tabs for more information. If you have a question that is not answered on our website, please contact the Bride!

What is the appropriate dress code?


We are excited to see everyone dressed up in their semi-formal attire! The venue is outdoors on various terrain, so please be mindful when choosing footwear. Indoor changing facilities will be provided for the optional casual hour!! If participating in basketball or volleyball, please bring appropriate clothing to change into. There will be additional lawn games that will not require changing from the semi-formal attire. *** Please avoid all things white :)


Can I bring a date or friend?


Unless you were allotted a "Plus One" on the RSVP, please do not bring an additional guest. If necessary, contact the bride for permission 30 days prior to the wedding.


I know Billy has epilepsy, what happens if he has a seizure?


We have planned our wedding event around the possibility of a seizure to ensure the best wedding experience possible for Billy! We hope to have a more relaxed environment and schedule throughout the evening to promote less stress, however it also provides us with flexibility to adjust the schedule if Billy were to have a seizure. In the event of a seizure, please do not crowd Billy and continue enjoying the event. The designated family members will assist Billy through his seizure and he will recover for a short period of time in a designated seizure recovery area. Do not panic nor call 911 unless asked to do so! Not only could Billy have a grand-mal seizure, but he also experiences Focal and Photosensitive seizures. This means while you are talking to him, he might not be able to complete his sentences or remember the beginning of the conversation. He will be very overwhelmed on this day, so please be patient if he is seeming confused!! Due to the photosensitive seizures, as minimal flash photography as possible will be used. If anyone is interested, here is a link that provides information on responding to seizures: https://www.epilepsy.com/recognition/seizure-first-aid


Is there any way I can avoid triggering a seizure for Billy?


Please avoid crowding Billy and do your best to keep conversations light and easy! Please avoid using all flash photography when taking photos with cell phones.


Are children or dogs allowed?


Please enjoy our kid-free event!! Apart from the few children in the wedding party, this will be an adult only event. Parents, come ready to have some kid-free fun! While the venue is generally dog-friendly, only the Bride and Groom are permitted to bring their dog during the wedding event. Amica will be excited to meet everyone!!


What is the departure time for overnight guests?


After cleaning all campsites and event areas, all guests and wedding party must depart the venue by 11 AM on 4/16/2023.


What supplies should overnight guests bring?


In addition to your tent, we recommend bringing a warm change of clothes, toiletries, sleeping bag, pillow, blanket, insect repellent and flash lights. Bathrooms and showers are provided by the venue. Additional insect repellent will be provided by the Bride and Groom.


Do tent campers have to pay a fee to lodge overnight at the venue?


The venue allows an unlimited amount of guests to pitch tents anywhere along the 180+ acres of property within the fixed cost. Therefore, no fee will be charged!!


Are there rules regarding bonfires, fireworks, candles and sparklers?


There are designated bonfire areas that will be utilized, of course! However, the use of fireworks, sparklers, candles and bonfires outside of designated areas are strictly prohibited.


Is the wedding BYOB?


While an assortment of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided during the Cocktail Hour and Reception, feel free to bring your own alcohol if you have a specific preference!


Should the overnight guests bring food for Sunday morning?


Light breakfast refreshments will be provided for the overnight guests, however feel free to bring any pre-packaged food of your choice for the late-night munchies! We encourage you to bring a refillable water bottle, as well.


I don't have a tent but I want to stay overnight, what are my options?


Although it is possible for additional beds within the cabin lodging to become available, indoor lodging cannot be guaranteed. If you would like, please ask the Bride if there are any beds available no sooner than 30 days prior to the wedding. There are also various websites that provide camping equipment rentals for (on average) significantly less than a hotel room fee. Here are a couple of the camping equipment rental websites we have found: www.lowergear.com www.kitlender.com


What if it rains?


In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to the covered pavilion!! All reception activities will occur in the enclosed dining hall. Best efforts will be made to secure indoor or otherwise covered sleeping arrangements for the overnight campers!

For all the days along the way
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