
Dylan & Keena

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Dylan Girardi


Keena Fraser-Griffin


Tyler Inberg

Best Man

I've known Tyler since fifth grade, and our friendship ignited with adventures from the start. We've shared countless memories, from car rides to Boy Scouting events, to joining the same fraternity, and even exploring Portugal together. Through thick and thin, Tyler has stood beside me and I am honored to have him by my side for another big day!

Zoe Bell

Maid of Honor

Zoe and I have been inseparable since we were three years old, practically sisters. We've shared countless memories, from imaginary childhood games to picnics in Gabriel Park. Zoe has been a constant presence in my life, and I'm thrilled to have her by my side as my Maid of Honor.

Skylar Karsseboom


Over the years, Skylar and my friendship has evolved, starting as coworkers and becoming teammates. I was even briefly his water polo coach. However, during our college years as roommates, our friendship became what it is today. Skylar is the kind of person I know has always had my back, and always will.

Quinn Anderson


Quinn and I met when she moved to Oregon, and I became her first friend here. After accidentally locking ourselves in the bathroom on our first playdate, we've been best friends ever since. From playdates that always turned into sleepovers to countless iMac photo booth movies, we always knew how to have a fun time.

Jack Jewess


Jack and I first crossed paths during his freshman year of college when he joined the fraternity. Our friendship blossomed quickly, fueled by countless late nights immersed in games of Smash Bros and Chel, where we've proudly maintained an undefeated record as a team. Even now, Jack and I continue to have game nights to catch up on each other's lives.

Erica Clark


Erica and I met freshman year of high school and became carpool buddies throughout the four years. Our adventures later continued at OSU where we shared beach trips, dinner dates, and drinks at Downward Dog. Fun fact: Erica might be the reason Dylan and I started dating when we did

Ben Platter


Ben and I first met when I joined Boy Scouts, laying the foundation for our friendship. However, it was in college that our bond truly solidified. During this time we got to know who the other person was. Since then, we always make an effort to connect whenever we are in the same town.

Kady Halen


Kady and I met during the CIT program at Camp Namanu, where our bond began over late night campfire chats and gourmet mac and cheese. We continued our adventures as summer camp counselors for two memorable summers. Whether we're mastering the art of a perfect cookout or uncovering hidden hiking trails, Kady and I always find a new adventure.

Nathan Curran


Nathan and I first met in the fraternity, where we frequently ended up on the same team, whether it was for a casual game of tips in the backyard or competing in intramural innertube water polo, which we proudly won the championship for. Our friendship continued to grow when we later became roommates. Even though we now live in different states, Nathan and I make it a point to stay in touch and continue playing games together regularly.

Madison Cates


Madison and I first crossed paths during a Chi Omega sisterhood event in our freshman year at OSU. Since then, our friendship has blossomed over countless Cafe Yumm dates, hikes, and Western Wednesdays. Madison has been by my side through all the college ups and downs. And a special shoutout to Madison for just graduating from vet school!

Mitch Buhrmann


Mitch and I forged a strong friendship during our time as roommates at FIJI. He's one of the most genuine individuals I've ever met—down-to-earth and always up for a meaningful conversation. Despite his quiet demeanor, Mitch is one of the funniest individuals I have ever met.

Karina Mondragon


Karina and I became close friends when she was my roommate in the Chi Omega house. Countless late-night talks and shared moments brought us closer during our time together there. Outside of the house, we share a love for picnics, especially in the rose garden.

Nick Huberd


Nick was my roommate when Keena and I first started dating. He was the one who encouraged me to take the leap and ask her out, even going as far as to share an article on 'How to Shoot Your Shot'. When I finally worked up the nerve to do it, Nick was the first person I shared the news with, Nick's friendship didn't end there as he often joined us for fun-filled Western Wednesdays!

Kate Lacina


Kate and I became instant friends while working at rival event venues, despite our bosses' differences. As work besties navigating our first big girl jobs, we've been through thick and thin together. From lunchtime walks to setting up floor plans and even dealing with the San Diego permit office, Kate and I always found a way to have fun.

Willa "Bean" Fraser-Girardi

Best Dog

We are sad to announce that Willa will not be attending our wedding. As much as she loves a good party she can be a little shy. We love her very much and wanted to give her a special place on our website.

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