As most of you know, we have been together for a lifetime already. We initially met in high school, in a multi-grade study hall. Dylan was a Junior, I was a Freshman. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, nor did we know that we would soon develop the kind of relationship that people spend their entire lives searching for. We dated throughout our college days until life’s next journey took us to Rapid City, South Dakota. Fast forward circa 2020 and we are officially getting married!
We found ourselves with a fair stretch of time off work and decided on a spur of the moment trip to Colorado. We spent the first day of our trip in Grand Junction, Colorado. After realizing how close we were to Arches National Park, Utah, we knew we had to make the short drive to check it out. Our first order of business was to hike toward Arches’ iconic Delicate Arch. It was the end of December, 40 degrees, gusting winds, yet plenty of other park visitors admiring the unique geology. We found ourselves wandering around looking for photo ops and taking some time to admire the area. Dylan found a beautiful ledge overlooking some rock formations where you could see for miles. I was fumbling around with camera settings to get the lighting "just right," when Dylan said to take just one more. I push the self-timer and start counting down 10-9-8... as I run to join him for one final picture. Once I got settled in next to him, he caught me by absolute surprised and decided to get down on one knee. Shocked (as you can see in the photo tab) all I can remember saying is, "YES, YES, YES!" It took 10 years for us to decide to tie the knot, and we're so excited to be celebrating the beginning of our marriage with all of you!
We decided to go the non-traditional route and tie the knot in Kauai, Hawaii amongst our closest friends and family. We are super excited to celebrate the beginning of our marriage with all of you at a Happily Ever After Party on JUNE 19, 2021 in the beautiful Black Hills!