
We are getting Married!

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Michael Turner

Best Man

Dan and Michael met in the spring of 2014 when Michael was hired by Liberty University's Financial Aid Office and was assigned to a cubicle where he and Dan sat back-to-back. They bonded quickly over a shared love of movies, football, and Spongebob Squarepants quotes. They've shared an apartment since June 2016. Together, they've attended many opening night movie premieres, gotten pictures with celebrities at AwesomeCon, and gone to Liberty and Virginia Tech football games. Michael loves video games, metal music, his prize gun collection, a good cigar, and doting on his two adorable nephews.

Seraphina Berliner

Maid of Honor

Seraphina is Autumn's only sister. While Sere is 18 years younger than Autumn, they have always had a special bond. Sere and Autumn both share a love of cats, crime shows and podcasts, and social justice topics. Sere is currently really into dinosaurs and is thinking of switching her major to Archaeology. She is very much into fashion and makeup. In high school she studied cosmetology. While Autumn and Sere live several hours apart they aren't hesitant to facetime and catch up at a moments notice. Autumn is very honored to have her little sister celebrate her big day and knows that Sere's presence will be so helpful and special.

Joel Martinez


The first of three siblings who have ensured Dan is a true "Little Big Brother", Joel was one of Dan's first friends to play sports, watch movies, and have GI Joe and Lego battles with. Dan also bored Joel to death by making him listen to endless stories growing up (Dan freely admits this). A strong athlete, Joel chose to enter the Corp of Cadets at Virginia Tech, where he studied statistics (yuck--god bless him), and paved the way for his entry into the military. He served several years as a pilot in the U.S. Navy before settling into an office job so he could settle down with the love of his life, Chynna, and their dogs; their brood has grown, too, when the adorable Bonnie Britt arrived on November 21, 2022. An active Navy officer, Joel enjoys exercising, economics, and spending time with his family.

Will Martinez


The youngest brother -- but maybe the one with the most personality -- Will is one of the funniest and most creative people you'll ever meet. A big fan of anime, theatre, arts and crafts, he studied design at Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in Manhattan, shortly after graduating took an online course to become certified teaching English to non-native speakers, and then enlisted in the United States Air Force, where his job duty as a Linguist required him to learn Mandarin Chinese. So, basically, Will could draw you a picture and/or design you an outfit while cracking jokes or singing to you, possibly in a foreign language. He is set to be stationed in Hawaii at the time of the wedding...if he can't make it to the ceremony, he will be missed, but we'll understand, as we appreciate his service to our country!

Wes Rosselet


Dan was in his junior year at Liberty University when he met Wes, who hails from Hanover, PA, where they bonded over a love of Jesus, story-telling, and dorky jokes. They kept in close touch both the following summer and even after graduation, often praying and talking with each other daily about their desire to each meet and settle down with the right woman. Wes, who got a degree in English, spent two years living and teaching English in South Korea, and later rode a bike across the United States over a span of 13 weeks! He once also incorrectly directed Dan to the middle of Gettysburg, PA, in the middle of the night! He met his wife Monica on an online dating site (sound familiar?) and moved to Cleveland, Ohio to be near and later, marry her. They are currently expecting a baby girl.

Zebadiah Berliner

Stand in Groomsman

If Will Martinez is unable to make the ceremony due to his military duties, Zeb Berliner, Autumn’s brother, has agreed to step up in his place. Zeb was the first member of Autumn’s family that Dan met (after seeing a number of pictures of them together during the social media-stalking phase of the relationship and wondering if Zeb and Autumn were “an item”). Currently on his way to earning a degree in American Sign Language (ASL) with ambitions to work as an interpreter for the hearing-challenged, Zeb is scheduled to graduate from Liberty University May. Zeb is highly fashionable, extremely strong and physically fit, has traveled extensively with Autumn, and has recently become a Dallas Cowboys football fan.

Callee Bullock


Callee and Autumn met at a wine festival in 2015 through mutual friends and have been pals ever since. Callee and Autumn enjoy doing projects together. Refurnishing furniture, buying units, yard saling, and repurposing any and everything in their sight. They can be seen driving around town in Tucker (Autumn's truck) hauling all sorts of things. Callee's husband Zach knows that if Autumn and Callee are hanging out, there will definitely be a truckload of things at his house. Zach and Callee currently live in Lynchburg, close to Callee's family, including her adorable nephew and two nieces. Callee loves to travel (and has taken a few months trip alone around Europe). Callee and Zach are currently into real estate buys and do an awesome job of renovating mostly on their own! Autumn is blessed to have Callee in her life and is excited that Callee will be there by her side for the wedding!

Corin Freeman


Corin and Autumn met at Liberty University while working in the Registrar's Office in 2016. Their friendship began by sharing songs on Spotify and has continued with board games, concerts, and cruises. Since Autumn has been dating Dan, sports knowledge has increased (obviously!), Corin and Autumn have been chatting more about sports, especially during the football season. Corin and her husband are huge Patriots fans. Corin is currently working on her Nursing degree and lives in Texas with her husband Brad where they have recently bought their first home. Her latest hobby is their daughter Brinley, who was born in October, 2022. Autumn's latest hobby is sending Brinley gifts on the regular and is definitely "aunt material." Autumn can't wait to have Corin by her side for the big day!

Makaela Gibson


Makaela and Autumn met many moons ago through Church. Autumn attended a Bible study that Makaela was hosting. They soon started meeting on a weekly basis to talk about faith and life. Since then, Makaela and Autumn love a good dinner date where our conversations go on for hours. Makaela is an amazing teacher, writer, and communicator. She loves the outdoors and going on walks with her dog, Marley. She has a 16 year old daughter, Lillie, who is out of this world awesome and full of energy. Autumn cannot wait to have Makaela by her side for her special day!

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