    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Damien Cook


Taylor Anderson Gonzales


Gage Cook

Best Man

Brother of the groom, linguistic genius, and full of wit. He embraces change and celebrates the differences in others - an excellent hype man. As kids, Damien and Gage did everything together, made up their own language, and supported each other no matter what. Gage likes to stay busy training his dogs, playing D&D, and teaching both at Ben Davis High School and abroad. He's full of charisma and one of the smartest people we know.

Aubrie Anderson

Maid of Honor

Aubrie has been a blessing in Taylor's life ever since she first introduced herself and offered to eat lunch together on Taylor's first day attending a new middle school. They have since shared countless meals, laughs, dreams, heartaches and adventures. Damien and Taylor both love Aubrie for many reasons including her spontaneity, sincerity, and ability to find the humor in almost any situation.

Brandon Richardson


Brandon's passion and creativity for music is unmatched; he has several albums out and is a host on one of our local radio stations. He is an excellent conversationalist and a pop culture expert. Damien and Brandon share a love for motorsports, hence why the wedding is on a Saturday. Brandon is Aubrie's (Maid of Honor) partner and has also known Taylor since the awkward days of middle school. Taylor and Damien both have a lot of affection for Brandon and he is one of their favorite people to enjoy the outdoors or explore a new city alongside. (Check out his work linktr.ee/mos_fet)

Kelsey Cunningham


Kelsey and Taylor met in college and bonded quickly over their love for their dogs and rom-coms. Kelsey has a huge heart and is fiercely loyal to her loved ones. She's got an incredible eye for design and is Indy's hottest up and coming realtor. Kelsey and Damien share a love for good whiskey and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The three of them were roommates for a couple of years after college and neither Damien or Taylor can imagine getting married without her beside them.

Brad Waterman


Damien and Taylor both love Brad for his fun-loving spirit and gentle nature. Brad served in the US Navy, where he grew his passion for film. He's both practical and imaginative with the unique ability of creating something from almost nothing. Brad enjoys skipping rocks and is basically a pro at Disc Golf. Mary Pearl (Bridesmaid) is his partner, together they have a beautiful baby boy.

Mary Pearl Ivy


Pearl is one of Taylor's oldest and dearest friends and an all around wonderful person. They went from doing flips in the pool to being the best friends in no time. Her quirkiness is a big part of her charm and she is one of the most compassionate people you'll ever meet. Damien and Pearl are kindred spirits so it's no wonder Taylor loves them both so much. Mary Pearl also has the greenest thumb and gives the warmest hugs.

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