Best Man
A mountain pundit that has shared the woods and streams with me on my best days.
Maid of Honor
As the person that helped me with my first steps (and every step after that), how could I not have my sister as my maid of honor? She has been a constant in the ups and downs of life and I wouldn't be the woman I am today without her direction.
James is a loyal friend that I've had since my first grouse hunt.
The Appalachian Mountains have a special place in my heart and that is widely due to the adventures Rachel and I had in and around Shenandoah National Park. She is a dear friend and I couldn't imagine this celebration without her.
"I'm just here for the treats."
Hannah quickly became a close friend after I met her at her own wedding in Montana. I foresee many girl trips to the river in our future!
Parents of the Groom
Corinne fit perfectly into the family the minute that Mike and Gretchen met her. They couldn't be more excited to welcome her into their lives.
Parents of the Bride
After meeting Jackson the second time, my parents pulled me aside and said “Don’t screw this up.”
Flower Girl
Their mission, should they choose to accept, is to toss petals and brewskis.
Ring Bearer
As the munchkins that brought an abundance of love and new meaning to my family, I though it only fitting to have them be the one's to present the rings.