Maid of Honor
Lauren met Lea and her husband Mikael at a Jews for Jesus Ingathering in 2013 and quckly became best friends. Lea is the person that initially introduced Lauren and Jerry years ago. She also re-engaged the conversation of them dating in 2022 and the rest is history.
Lauren and Molly met at a Shabbat dinner in 2012. Molly was one of the first friends she made in the Messianic community and has been one of her best friends ever since. Lauren is known as Auntie Lauren to Molly's daughters Simone and Lucy. Lucy will be serving as one of the flower girls at the wedding.
Lauren and Jennifer met in Mrs. Ulrich's kindergarten class and have been friends ever since. For over 33 years Jen and her family are a second family to Lauren.
Lauren and Kezia met in 2019 at Messiah Conference when bonded during one of the sessions over their great choices in fashion. Following the conference they would become prayer partners and soon Kezia would be one of Lauren's best friends.
Lauren met Stephanie in 2019 when Steph was dating Lauren's friend Josh. As time went on, they got to know each other more, and a strong friendship was formed. Lauren is Auntie LoLo to Stephanie's dauther Summer who will be a flower girl at the wedding.
Flower Girl
Flower Girl
Best Man
Ring Bearer