Jerry and Lauren were initally introduced by their mutual friend Lea Dickinson (Maid of Honor) back in 2018. At that time they decided not to continue persuing one another, however, they contiued to stay in touch via social media. Fast forward to September 2022, Lea once again mentioned Jerry to Lauren, repeating that they would have been a perfect fit for one another. Lauren gave permission to Lea and her husband Mikael (Jerry's Groomsman) to reengage with Jerry about her. Jerry reached out to Lauren two days later. Little did Lauren know that she had also been brought to Jerry's attention through Sabra Brickner during this time. Upon meeting her earlier that year, Sabra mentioned that she knew someone that she believed would be a great match for her. That person was Jerry. Lauren and Jerry are firm believers in God's perfect timing and it is not lost on them that the Lord used multiple people to bring them full circle. Jerry and Lauren officially started dating on October 29th, 2022. They will be married just two days short of their second dating anniversary and cannot wait to spend their lives together this side of Heaven.
*October 9, 2018 - Introduction *September 8, 2022 - Reconnection *October 21, 2022 - First Date *October 29, 2022 - Official Start of Relationship *April 27, 2024 - Engagement *October 27, 2024 - Wedding *