This is the hotel Chris and I will be staying at!! Please note rooms need to be booked by the cutoff date of Monday, Apr 19, 2021 or they’ll be released to the general public. Reserve your room online or call the hotel directly. Group Name: Clements/Fenelon Wedding Group Code: CT29Z2 Complimentary shuttle to Brookshire: 4:00pm or 4:45 pm Returning to Cambria: 10:30pm or 11:15pm
Room block pricing from 5/6/21-5/9/21 (a mix of King and standard 2 queen rooms) Shuttle information to be added ASAP (as of now shuttle not running)
Room block pricing from 5/6/21-5/9/21 (a mix of King and standard 2 queen rooms). Use link above for block rate! At this time the shuttle service is suspended. Check back for updates.